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Application Guide 2025:
Ultimate Dentistry Work Experience Guide 2025

Dental Admissions Expert
Dentistry is a highly specialised and competitive field that requires a combination of rigorous academic training and practical experience. For aspiring dentists, gaining relevant dental work experience can be a crucial step towards achieving their career goals. However, navigating the dental industry and finding opportunities that align with individual interests and goals can be challenging.
With our Ultimate Dentistry Work Experience Guide 2025, we aim to provide comprehensive and tailored guidance to help both students and parents understand the meaning behind good work experience in the field of dentistry. Our guide is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their journey towards becoming a dentist.
The Importance Of Dental Work Experience in 2025
A key component of your application to dental school is the portfolio of work experience that you can create. Not only does this benefit your understanding of the dental career, but it also significantly enhances the likelihood of your application’s success.
Dentistry is a complex career with the option to consider different directions and pathways after receiving the degree. There is no better way to understand its unique benefits and drawbacks than by seeing dentists at work first-hand. Being a dentist is certainly not for everyone, and by undertaking a significant amount of varied dentistry work experience you can better ascertain if it’s something that you want to commit yourself to.
Additionally, dental schools want to take in students who understand these drawbacks and are not looking at the career through rose-tinted glasses. These students are more likely to be committed and work hard, and less likely to drop out. Work experience shows that you have put time and effort into considering what a career in dentistry entails and whether or not it really is right for you.
Given this, you should try to undertake as much varied work experience as possible before applying to dental school. There is plenty of dental work experience for 16-year-olds & 17-year-olds and even younger pupils. There is always something available, from Year 12 dental work experience to Year 10 dental work experience or even earlier.
Finding dental work experience for 14 & 15-year-olds can be more challenging as many dental practices and hospitals have a minimum age of 16, but if you are keen to get started early then you should look at our guides for volunteer work experience or online work experience during covid.

How Much Dental Work Experience Do I Need?
Many candidates wonder about how much work experience they “need” when applying to dental school. Unfortunately, this question does not have a straightforward answer. Dental schools, as a general rule, are more interested in what you gain from your work experience than how much you have been able to undertake.
They recognise that not everyone has the same capacity to spend weeks undergoing dental work experience, and they are understanding of this. Someone who can show that they have learnt a lot from a single week of free dental work experience shadowing a hospital dental specialist will be in a better position than someone who has spent four weeks sitting in shadowing dentists but hasn’t been able to reflect on it.
Additionally, Covid-19 has significantly complicated the ability of prospective dental students to undertake dentistry work experience. We have a full guide on how to look for dental work experience during the pandemic, but the key takeaway is that you can only be compared to other people in the same position as you.
If covid-19 is making it difficult for you to find work experience, then so too is it complicating others’ search for it and dental schools will lower their expectations.
With all of that being said, we recommend that - to have sufficient experiences to reflect on - you try to spend at least:
One week in a dentist practice (NHS is preferred)
One week in a hospital / shadowing a specialist / private dental practice
How can I get dental work experience at a practice near me in 2025?
Many prospective dental students try to undertake work experience with their local dental practice, which can be very successful. However, some dental practices near you may not offer work experience placements to candidates who are treated there for reasons of confidentiality - there is a significantly higher chance of seeing patients whom you may recognise. If rejected from your dental practice, we recommend alternatives for how to get dental work experience which is mentioned below.
Firstly, even if dental practices near you cannot provide you with dentistry work experience, they may be able to offer you other resources to help. You should get in touch with them - either by going in-person, calling, or emailing - and let them know that whilst you understand they may not be able to offer you direct work experience, you would appreciate any help that they can give.
Remember that you will likely have more dental practices around you than you realise - particularly when in a populated area, for instance looking for dental work experience in London.
Secondly, you can try directly contacting other nearby practices. Have a CV and cover letter ready when you do so. Your CV should highlight your academic grades, extra-curricular activities and soft skills, and any other work experience that you have.
You can contact the surgeries in any way that you like. We suggest starting by emailing them, and if you do not hear back then you can try going in person and handing in your CV & cover letter to the admin team. Don’t be pushy, however! Dental practices are extremely busy and may not have the capacity to offer you work experience. If the difficulty in finding a dental practice within your area rises, we recommend expanding the geography further as a bit of travel will be worth the days/weeks of work experience.
Third, if you know any dentists or dental specialists - whether they are in your family, family friends, or parents of friends - ask if you might be able to shadow them for a little while. Any work experience at all is better than none and allows you to reflect on what you learn. You should also ask your school, which may have existing connections to help you to get some work experience.
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What should I wear to dental work experience?
When it comes to what to wear for dental work experience, it's important to dress appropriately and professionally. This means avoiding casual or revealing clothing, as well as loud or distracting accessories.
When undertaking your general dental practice work experience, you should aim to dress smartly. For men, this can mean formal trousers and a shirt on top. Women can also wear formal trousers and a shirt, but a formal shirt & skirt or dress are just as good.
Your shoes should also be relatively formal - trainers or sneakers are not acceptable. Most dentists and hospital dentists tend to wear scrubs so may even provide you with clothing if they have spares available.
It's also important to consider hygiene and safety when choosing your outfit. Long hair should be tied back, and jewellery should be minimal to avoid interfering with dental equipment. Most dental practices will require you to be bare below the elbow for reasons of hygiene, so you should aim to wear short sleeves or sleeves that can easily be rolled up.
If you follow these simple tips then you won’t need to stress about what to wear for dental work experience however, if you want to be 100% sure then there is no harm in contacting the practice and asking for their advice.
What will I do during my dentist work experience?
During your general dental practice work experience, what you will see and do may vary from practice to practice. This can include:
Observing a dentist do procedures: This can involve emergency procedures or elective procedures such as fillings, root canal treatments, crown fittings and even extractions.
Observing check-up appointments: These appointments are crucial and will show you the importance of tests to reach the diagnosis. You will be able to observe communication the best here when the dentist explains the diagnosis and treatment options to patients.
Reception: The receptionists play a key role in ensuring patients are dealt with over the phone and organise a dentist’s day list well.
Admin: You may notice that the dentist has their fair share of admin work aside from clinical work. This can involve referrals to other specialities to even ringing or sending photos to the dental technician. This will highlight the importance of good organisation and teamwork.
Specialist Care
If you are lucky enough to gain work experience in a practice where there are specialists then observing them can be very beneficial. You will be able to observe dental specialists providing patients with the very best care whether this is in endodontics or even orthodontics. Comparing and contrasting specialists to general dentists is one thing to take note of.
How can I make the most of my dental work experience?
Remember that the most important part of your dentistry work experience isn’t simply showing up - it’s the reflecting and the thinking that you do afterwards. You should consider what you saw and what your thoughts are by writing down some notes in a journal or logbook each day.
We recommend you take a book with you to your work experience so you can jot down what you are learning at the time in case you forget afterwards.
In particular, consider the following questions:
Expectations vs reality: Did anything surprise me that I saw today?
Skillset: What are the skills needed to become a dentist?
Teamwork: How did the multidisciplinary team at the dental practice work well together?
Time management: How do dentists manage limited appointment times, especially during emergencies?
Multifaceted: What other roles do dentists play, for example in educating patients to help prevent disease?
You should compile your notes in such a way that they are easily digestible when you look back at them before writing your dental personal statement or attending your dentistry interviews. Check out 230 Dental Interview Questions for your interview in 2025. You can check out our guide on how to best reflect on your work experience here!
Dentistry Hospital Work Experience Guide 2025
Hospital dentistry work experience provides you with a unique chance to better comprehend the different dental specialities. You will be able to observe a massive number of healthcare workers in one place - all with different roles and responsibilities. Working in a hospital setting allows students to gain exposure to a wide range of dental cases and procedures, including emergency care and surgeries. They may also have the opportunity to work with patients who have complex medical histories or special needs, which can provide valuable insight into the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare. In addition to clinical experience, working in a hospital setting can also provide students with exposure to the administrative and logistical aspects of running a dental practice.
You can learn a great deal, and make some impressive observations in your dental personal statement & dentistry interviews if you make the most of this opportunity. Gaining dental work experience in a hospital setting can be difficult but if achieved will make you stand out from the other candidates.
How can I get dentistry hospital work experience near me?
There are three key ways that you can put yourself in a position to be able to undertake work experience in a hospital.
First, you should get in touch with any dentists or dental care professionals whom you may know personally - particularly those who have treated you or your family members in the past. Often, dentists with whom you have pre-existing relationships are particularly keen to help you to gain work experience and follow in their footsteps, achieving a goal of pursuing a career in dentistry. You can ask them in person if they might be able to offer you any experience or send them an email to the same effect.
Second, consider any other connections which you may have. This could be family members, family friends or parents of friends. Any of these people may be able to offer you some time shadowing them in a hospital. You should also talk to your school’s careers department or equivalent, as they may have established connections or routes which you can use to get some dentistry work experience in a hospital.
Third, you can contact hospital departments or your local NHS trust’s education department directly. Look online at their website, and there should be a contact email or phone number for the education department or specific dental department. Remember that you will have a lot of local hospitals and departments! Some dental hospitals are teaching hospitals with dentistry undergraduate students present who may also let you shadow there. Even if one can’t offer you the experience that you are looking for, don’t give up - keep going until someone can. You also don’t need to get a lot of work experience in one place; it is just as good if not better to get a small amount with a lot of different places.
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What should I wear to hospital work experience?
What you should wear in a dentistry hospital setting tends to be similar to that of a dental practice. Additionally, your clothes must allow a range of movement. For men, this generally means formal trousers and a shirt on top. Women can also wear formal trousers and a shirt, but a formal shirt & calf-length skirt or dress are just as good. Your shoes should also be relatively formal - trainers or sneakers are not acceptable.
Hospitals will also require you to be bare below the elbow for reasons of hygiene, so you should aim to wear short sleeves or sleeves that can easily be rolled up.
How can I make the most of my hospital work experience?
You will gain more from your dental work experience by being an active participant rather than a passive observer. In a hospital setting, it is very likely you will be in close contact with a dental specialist. General dentists tend to refer difficult cases to specialists in the hospital so this is an amazing opportunity to see some complex cases. Ask them questions and make observations! This is a great way to learn more, and they will also appreciate you more for it.
What questions to ask on dental work experience?
The more questions you ask, the more you can talk about in your personal statement and interview!
Here are a few to consider:
Ask them questions about the procedure
Any challenges they are facing
How to overcome such challenges
What a career in dentistry is like
About different dental specialities
Remember that the most important part of your dentistry work experience isn’t simply showing up - it is the reflecting and thinking that you do afterwards. You should consider what you saw and what your thoughts are by writing down some notes in a journal or logbook each day. In particular, consider the following questions:
Expectations vs reality: Did anything surprise me that I saw today?
Skillset: What skills did I observe hospital dentists using?
Contrast: How did the roles of different multidisciplinary team members differ? How did specialist/hospital dentistry differ from general practice dentistry?
Teamwork: What are the various tasks that dentists perform, and how do they all fit together?
Scientific curiosity: Did I see any particularly interesting cases or conditions?
You should compile your notes in such a way that they are easily digestible when you look back at them before writing your dentistry personal statement or attending your dental interviews. You can check out our guide on how to best reflect on your dental work experience here!
Overall, your dentistry work experience is an important and amazing opportunity for you to see dentistry in real life, explore the different paths you can take and really see if it is the perfect career for you!
If you have any concerns or questions about dentistry then please contact one of our helpful dental team here.
👉🏼 Read more: Dentistry Reading List
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