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Application Guide 2025: 


Medicine Clearing Guide 2025

<p class="font_8"><strong>Dr. Akash Gandhi&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p class="font_8">Medicine Admissions Expert</p>

Dr. Akash Gandhi 

Medicine Admissions Expert


Not received any offers to study medicine and wondering what your options are. Whilst more common in the past, applying to medicine via UCAS clearing can sometimes be successful, find out everything you need to know if you're thinking of applying to Medicine (A100) via UCAS clearing in 2025. 

Clearing for medicine in 2025 opens on Thursday 14 August 2025.

A Level Results Day in 2025 is Thursday 14 August 2025.


If you are planning to reapply - don't do it alone and make the same mistakes again - check out our tutoring packages to see how we can support you with your re-application - with over 94% success rate. 


What is UCAS medicine clearing & how does UCAS clearing work?

UCAS Clearing is a system which helps students apply for places at university that have not been filled. Anyone can apply through clearing - whether you have received no offers from universities, or if you want to change your course or university. 

Medical school UCAS clearing begins on A-Levels results day (Thursday 14th August 2025) when candidates receive their exam results in the UK. 

If, after results are announced, some universities find that they have extra places available on their courses, they can offer these up in clearing. 

medicine clearing 2025, medicine clearing 2026 entry, medicine clearing, ucas extra medicine 2025, what universities go into clearing for medicine 2025, clearing medicine 2025, clearing medicine 2024, can you get into medicine through clearing 2025

When does clearing 2025 open?

Clearing opens on 5th July 2025 this year. 

However, for medicine applicants, it opens on Thursday 14th August 2025. 


How to go through clearing to get an offer on results day in 2025

Once you’re set up and ready for clearing, the process itself is fairly simple. You can find UCAS’ description of the clearing process here

You should wake up with plenty of time before results are announced, with the UCAS website open and ready to search. Once it updates, use the search function to look for any medical course vacancies.

You should search for "medicine" or “A100”, which is the medicine course code. If you search for “medicine”, you will also see results for associated subjects such as biomedicine which will only slow you down.

If you spot a vacancy, then call the university to ask if they would accept you. Be ready to give your personal ID and Clearing number, and answer some basic questions. If they say that they would make you an offer, then congratulations! Go back to UCAS Track and select the option to ‘Add a Clearing Choice’.

Be aware that you can only add one clearing choice at a time, so make sure that you are adding the university that you want to go to. If you call and they don’t make you an offer, don’t be disheartened - keep calling other universities as you may find another one that does.

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What universities are most likely to make me an offer through clearing for medicine?

What universities go into clearing for medicine? [UPDATED]

In 2024 (2025 entry), the following medical schools are rumoured to have gone into UCAS clearing, this might be a good place to start:

  1. Aberdeen

  2. Bangor

  3. Brunel

  4. Edge Hill

  5. Kent & Medway

  6. Leeds

  7. Newcastle

What happened in medicine clearing in 2024?

In 2023, at least five medical schools went into clearing:

  1. The University of Buckingham Medicine Clearing (this university has been the leader in offers through clearing for two years in a row, so is a great place to start, but note the fees)

  2. St George’s University of London Medical School Clearing (2023: 1374 Applicants, 37 Invited To Interview, 13 offers, 2022: did not enter clearing, 2021: 1524 Applicants, 140 Invited To Interview, 55 Offers)

  3. King's College Medical School via Clearing (2023: 223 Applications, 37 Interviews, 23 Offers) - some of whom used our 1-1 Interview Tutoring packages, was first come first served via telephone call. Did not enter clearing in 2021 & 2022. 

  4. Hull York University Medical School via Clearing

  5. Queen Mary's Malta (again, note the fees)

Other medical schools that offered places around A-Level results day (not necessarily via clearing)

  1. UCL (via waitlist)

  2. Sheffield Medical School - did not enter clearing, but offered interviews to some that called that met the required grades

  3. Leicester Medical School (didn't necessarily enter clearing, but invited students that hadn't previously received an interview for an interview after results day) - 2023: 298 Applications, 61 Interviews, 35 Offers (of which 22 were for 2024 entry, ie deferred), average UCAT score 2719 - was first come first served.

  4. Birmingham Medical School - 9 A100 interviews, 8 Offers Given, Average UCAT Scores Of Those Given An Offer Via Clearing = 2770

  5. Nottingham Medical School - 2023: 34 Applications, 27 Interviews, 27 Offers, UCAT >54 (see their scoring), GCSE Average 8.41, 2022: 39 Applications, 37 Interviews, 37 Offers, UCAT >56 (see their scoring), GCSE Average 8.34

Other medical schools that have entered clearing in the past:

It is also worth contacting all of the universities that you applied to again, to see if they have any spaces available - this ought to be high on your priority list. 

What universities went into clearing for medicine in 2023? [UPDATED]

In 2023, five medical schools went into clearing, and they all had long queues of people calling them at 8am in the morning. 

  1. The University of Buckingham Medicine Clearing (this university has been the leader in offers through Clearing for two years in a row, so is a great place to start)

  2. St George’s University of London Medical School Clearing

  3. King's College Medical School 

  4. Hull York University Medical School via Clearing

  5. Queen Mary's Malta (again, note the fees)

Which universities had spaces for medicine in clearing in 2022?

The following universities were reported to have spaces in clearing in 2022, so it may be worth trying again in 2023:

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Medical School Entry Requirements

👉🏼 Read more: Compared: UK Medical School Fees For International Students (2025 Updates)


Thinking of reapplying to medicine?

If you are thinking of reapplying to medicine - it is paramount that you try and optimise your application. This involves ensuring that your UCAT, Medicine Work Experience, Medicine Personal Statement, Wider Reading & Medicine Interview abilities are all as great as possible.

Check out some of our medicine tutoring packages here to support you next year. 

Feel free to book a free strategy call to discuss these packages, tutoring & mentoring throughout this year. 


Is it possible to study medicine at university via clearing in 2025?

In 2022 it was reported that there were no spaces available to study medicine via clearing. Though for A100 courses there were unconfirmed reports of places at Sunderland. 

In 2023, this changed and 4 medical schools offered places via clearing - King's, St George's, Buckingham and Hull. This highlights how unpredictable it is each year, and while you should not rely on clearing - it is always better to be prepared. 

In 2024 there were reported to be even more medical schools that had places to study medicine via clearing - Bangor, Brunel, Newcastle, Aberdeen, Kent, Edge Hill & Leeds.

Over the years, receiving a place to study medicine via clearing is becoming less and less common, as there is increasing competition for places, leaving no unfilled seats. 

However, getting into medical school through clearing is generally extremely difficult as there are generally very few spaces available for medicine through clearing. 

It is paramount that should you be in a position where you would like to apply for medicine via clearing and have the necessary pre-requisites (e.g. UCAT/Personal Statement etc), then you must follow the steps outlined below to maximise your chances of succeeding. 

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Medical School Entry Requirements

What Is UCAS Extra Medicine 2025?

Can I use UCAS Extra for my medical application? Students applying for medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or veterinary science have four choices, not the usual five choices, because of this, they cannot use the UCAS Extra service.

If you didn't get any offers from the first five UCAS choices, UCAS Extra provides an extra opportunity for you to get a university place. 

If you applied to four medical schools, and also another non-medicine 5th choice, but didn't get any offers, then UCAS Extra might be for you!

If you happened to leave the 5th choice blank, then you can sign in and add your 5th choice before 30th June. 

In 2025, UCAS Extra opens on 28th February and is available until 30th June. Clearing opens after this. 

Q1: What is UCAS Extra? UCAS Extra is a free service for students who have used up all their original five choices and received no offers or are not waiting for a decision. This service allows students to keep applying for higher education courses.

Q2: When can I apply through UCAS Extra? You can apply through UCAS Extra from 28th February until 4 July. After this period, you can still apply for a place at university through Clearing.

Q3: How does UCAS Extra work? If you're eligible for UCAS Extra, the "Add Extra Choice" button will automatically appear in the Choices section of your UCAS tracking page. There's no limit to the number of courses you can apply to, but you can only apply for one course at a time.

Q4: Can I apply for multiple courses at the same time through UCAS Extra? No, you can only apply for one course at a time. You won't be able to select a first choice and an insurance offer as in the first round of applications.

Q5: Can I withdraw an Extra application? Yes, you can withdraw an Extra application at any time. However, it is recommended to check with the university or college first to ensure an offer isn't on its way.

Q6: Can I use UCAS Extra if I have applied to university through UCAS and used up all my choices but received no offers? Yes, you can use UCAS Extra under these conditions. It doesn't matter whether you didn't receive any offers or didn't accept any – if you haven't secured a place and you're not waiting to hear back, you can apply through UCAS Extra.

Q7: How do I apply in UCAS Extra? You add an Extra choice in UCAS on the website. If you're eligible, you’ll see the ‘Add an Extra choice’ option in the ‘Your choices’ section. Click on this link and enter the details of the university and course.

Q8: How do I add more choices in UCAS Extra? You can add another choice using the UCAS search tool. After checking with the university or college, you add the details in UCAS. If you're applying for a different subject, consider sending a new personal statement to strengthen your application.

Q9: Can I change the course I’ve chosen through UCAS Extra? Yes, you can change your course, but you can only apply for one course at a time through Extra. It's important to research and consider your choice before applying.

Q10: Can I go through Clearing if I have an offer through UCAS Extra? Yes, but only if you don’t meet the conditions of the offer you accepted through Extra. If you wish to apply through Clearing while holding an offer, you would have to negotiate a release from your firm choice which can take up to 10 days and there is no reversal. After 4th July, Clearing opens and there may still be university places available.

Q11: Who is UCAS Extra available for? UCAS Extra is available for all students who originally applied through UCAS, used up all their choices, and have no offers.

Q12: What happens after I’ve added choices through Extra? The university or college you’ve applied to will consider your application. After 21 days, you can either continue to wait for a decision or replace it with a different Extra choice. If you receive an offer and accept it, the place

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Medical School Entry Requirements


Can you go through clearing even if you have an offer?

Yes, you can go through UCAS Clearing even if you have an offer, but you must first release yourself from any offers you have accepted. 

To enter Clearing, you would need to:

  1. Decline your firm offer through your UCAS Track account, which would then put you into Clearing.

  2. If you have a conditional offer and your results meet the requirements, you would need to ask the university to release you.

  3. If you have a conditional offer and do not meet the requirements, you may automatically be entered into Clearing.

Remember, once you release yourself from your offers, you cannot revert this decision through UCAS. It's essential to be certain before proceeding.

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How to prepare for medicine clearing on in 2025

Before results day comes, if you are looking for a spot to study Medicine through clearing then you should take the following steps:

  • Environment: Set up a workspace and charge your phone the night before - you’ll want to be ready to call the universities as soon as they open. You should have a pen & paper ready to take notes whilst you’re on the phone.

  • Set an alarm: These spaces are highly competitive and universities are met with lots of demand very early. You want to be able to call them as soon as possible to get in ahead of the rush.

  • Enlist help: You are only one person who can make one call at a time. However, if you enlist family members and friends then you can cover numerous universities at a time to maximise your chances.

  • Know your stuff: Research which universities you want to call so that you have a plan of action. You should also find out some information about them - they may ask why you want to attend that specific university on the phone, so be ready for this.

  • Be ready: Prepare the relevant documentation which you will need to refer to. It may be helpful to print these out. This includes your:

  • UCAS personal ID

  • Clearing number

  • Predicted grades

  • Personal statement

  • Previous exam results

Top tips for your medicine clearing phone calls in 2025

Making phone calls for Clearing can be daunting - here are our top tips for success.

  • Think before: Have an idea of what you’re going to say beforehand to introduce yourself - it can be helpful to write out a short introduction in advance.

  • Prepare information: Make sure that all of your relevant details, including your clearing number, are available to you.

  • Know your stuff: Have an idea of what makes that medical school unique, in case you have to answer some questions on the phone.

  • Be open: If you didn’t get the results that you wanted, then be prepared to talk about any extenuating circumstances and provide evidence of these. Universities want the best candidates, so will be understanding if there was something that prevented you from performing at your usual level.

What are my options if I don’t receive an offer through clearing in 2025?

If you reach the end of Clearing and still don’t have an offer to study medicine, then this isn’t the end of the road for your chances. You still have the following options:

  • Apply in the future: Study a related course (such as the 5th choice that you may have made) and apply for medicine as a graduate once you have completed an undergraduate degree

  • Other options: Explore other career options in allied healthcare professions. Many of these share similar features to medicine, and you may find them to be similarly appealing.

Even in the worst-case scenario, remember that this isn’t the end of the world. You’ve likely put a lot of time and effort into your application, and it can be extremely disheartening if it doesn’t work out.

However, even if none of the options above appeal to you, there are plenty of other careers which you can pursue to fulfil a passion for science or a desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

At TheUKCATPeople, our expert mentors specialise in helping you throughout every stage of your application process. We take on many students each year who are looking to reapply after clearing hasn’t gone their way - why not get in touch with us and see if this option might be right for you?





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