🖥️ UCAT 2025
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UCAT Preparation 2025 for 2026 entry

Medicine Admissions Expert
Here we have created a UCAT revision guide for the 2026 entry that covers everything you need to know about UCAT preparation, the best UCAT revision resources for 2025 and how to revise for the UCAT.
Many students often wonder how to start preparing for the UCAT and how long they need to revise.
Generally, we recommend spending at least 200 hours preparing for the UCAT.
This involves completing over 2000 questions strategically.
You must first learn all of the UCAT strategies, and then practice them with all the UCAT questions before trying to become quicker to improve your time management. Find out everything you need to know about the best way to prepare for the UCAT, the best UCAT resources available and our tried and tested UCAT preparation study guide.
👉🏻 Read more: The Ultimate UCAT Guide 2025
How To Prepare For UCAT?
How long do you need to prepare for your UCAT test preparation? We recommend that you spend at least 150 - 200 hours preparing for the UCAT.
For most people, this involves answering over 2000-3000 questions. Looking back at 10 years of data, this is the work our most successful students put in for their UKCAT preparation.
We recommend starting early to prepare for the UCAT, for many people this involves doing a UCAT course or beginning UCAT tutoring with one of our expert tutors at least 4-6 months before your exam date.
This is because, before this point, you should be focussing on ensuring you achieve the best AS level or mock test results to help maximise your A-Level predicted grades.
Initially, begin familiarising yourself with the different types of questions that come up in the exam, especially unfamiliar questions such as those in decision making or in abstract reasoning. Do not begin timing yourself until you become more confident in answering the questions, and can answer questions with confidence in untimed conditions.
We normally recommend beginning timing yourself about halfway through your UCAT revision.
👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Revision Timetable
👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Reflective Revision

How To Revise For UCAT
How to study for the UCAT
For your UCAT revision, it is important to give yourself plenty of breaks. If you overwork yourself right up to the date of your exam, you will likely take the test in a stressed and anxious state. By giving yourself breaks, you will allow your brain to relax and even compile all of the tips and techniques you’ve picked up into an organised arrangement.
If you find yourself getting tired of revising UCAT verbal reasoning, spend some time focusing on another section such as decision making before revisiting the original section you were working on such as the situational judgement test.
Each section of the UCAT uses a different part of your brain, so it’s good to rest each area equally. Many students find it useful to give themselves a complete rest on the day before their test. This will completely relax your mind and allow it to be most efficient during the UKCAT exam itself.
👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Scores 2025 - The Ultimate Guide
👉🏻 Read more: Top Tips For UCAT Verbal Reasoning
👉🏻 Read more: Top Tips For UCAT Quantitative Reasoning
Preparing For UKCAT - Outline
We recommend starting at least 4 months before your exam. We would recommend joining one of our online UCAT courses or beginning UCAT 1-1 tutoring with one of our expert UCAT tutors to maximise your UCAT preparation online.
This way you will be able to learn the most effective strategies from the beginning of your practice. We then recommend practising as much as possible and building up the practice in the lead-up to your exam.
We recommend completing at least 4-6hours of work a day in the fortnight before your UCAT exam as the best preparation to pass the UKCAT exam.
👉🏼 Read more: Create a UCAT Revision Timetable for 2025
❓ Applying in 2025 for 2026 Entry?
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Step 1 - Join a UCAT Course
What is the best ucat preparation course in 2025?
We have been running 1-Day UCAT Courses for over 12 years, and are trusted by some of the best schools in the country.
Your course will be taught by a top-scoring UCAT qualified doctor who will take you through all five sections of the UCAT.
You will practice and learn about the best tips, tricks and techniques to master them, before leaving with a plan on how to tackle and pass the UCAT.
Find out more about joining one of our UCAT Courses here
👉🏻 Join UCAT Courses in 2025 to boost your score!
Step 2 - Begin Practicing UCAT Questions
How to practice for the UCAT?
You must begin practising all the questions from the five UCAT sections, rather than focussing on one that you prefer or are better at. There are many recommended UCAT resources, and you must begin to put the strategies covered into practice. This will help build your confidence and understanding of the different UCAT questions.
It is important to not time yourself when you start practising UKCAT questions. Starting your preparation this way allows you to develop your UCAT techniques and tips, and challenge yourself with the harder questions once more confident.
One very important thing to consider is that there will be some questions that are almost impossible to answer, regardless of how much practice you put in - don’t be disheartened, but do take away any learning points that you can! Contact a UKCAT tutor should you need help going through questions on a 1-1 basis to help boost your UCAT score.
👉🏻 Learn More: 1-1 UCAT Tutoring in 2025
👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Medical Schools - UCAT Cut Off Scores
Step 3 - Improve Your UKCAT Time Management
Time management is traditionally what lets most UCAT applicants down. It is therefore crucial that you have strategies in place to help overcome these issues and approach each section with a specific strategy to allow you to spend an equal amount of time on each question.
This is crucial and something that will make a big difference to your score. Book a session with an experienced UCAT tutor to help create and develop these strategies to boost your UCAT score.
👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Reflective Revision
Mastering Your UKCAT Prep - Tips
Start your UCAT preparation early
Give yourself UCAT preparation time (remember, we recommend at least 4-6 months)
Don't do one section/week - it is more efficient to do a little from every section regularly, to keep practising and ensure that your UCAT preparation is effective and you build on everything you learn.
Use the best resources available online.
Speak to a UCAT expert about any issues that you may have
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Study Timetable for 2025
👉🏻 Read more: How To Choose A UCAT Test Day
👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Burnout - How To Avoid It
What are the best UCAT resources in 2025?
There are many UCAT resources and companies available online that provide UCAT tutoring. Many free resources may be able to help you.
UCAT Official Question Bank 2025
Here you will be able to find four full UCAT mock tests that you can do in timed conditions that simulate the real exam; they are good to complete towards the end of your ucat prep. We recommend that you complete all four of these UCAT mock tests.
As well as these mocks, there are 100s of official UCAT questions for each UCAT section that you can complete in untimed conditions - this is one of the best free UCAT resources available online.
Quite simply, this is the best resource that you have available to you, and as recommended in our UCAT Courses and our 1-1 UCAT Tutoring, you must complete these before sitting your UCAT exam. We would recommend leaving the UCAT official mock tests until closer to your exam date.
Kaplan UCAT
Kaplan runs a UCAT course that is usually conducted over two days and has previously been known to cover all five sections of the UCAT. Have a look at why we believe that 1-1 ucat tutoring with one of our experienced and professional tutors is more effective at focusing on your weaknesses, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
Medicportal UCAT
TheMedicPortal has been a great provider of UCAT questions for years. Their website has many guides and questions that you can access.
Spend time with a 1-1 UCAT tutor who is an expert in their field developing your UCAT technique.
Passmedicine UCAT
Passmedicine has a new UCAT question bank that is currently free to use. We recommend using these questions once you have used all other resources available - including those recommended in our online articles. They are not the most accurate, but they are good UCAT resources if you do not have any left to use.
Medify UCAT
Medify is a relatively new UCAT question bank that is rapidly becoming the most popular source of UCAT questions. The Medify UKCAT question bank also replicates the online software used in the UCAT test centres. Some enjoy using this, as it helps prepare them for an online test. There has been ongoing debate as to the accuracy of medify mocks vs the real UCAT score - however, we find that they are generally very accurate and representative of actual scores in the UCAT exam. There are a number of medify mocks, some are easy and some are harder than the real thing.
However, we believe that you should focus on the quality of the resource rather than whether it is online or a UCAT preparation book. We would recommend augmenting your UCAT preparation with online UCAT tutoring or a UCAT Course to help ensure that you are on the right track and optimising all of your scores.
ISC Medical 1250 UKCAT Book
The ISC medical 1250 questions UCAT book is one of the oldest and best UCAT resources that you can use and one of the best ucat books. Ten years ago, the book produced by ISC Medical was the only resource available to students sitting the UCAT - as such it contains questions that are tried, and tested and have very few errors.
Our UCAT experts have found that this is perhaps the single best UKCAT prep book for the UCAT due to the quality of questions that they have. This ucat study book will help you to master the UCAT before you build on the fundamentals with more practice online closer to your exam.
👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Revision Timetable - how to create one
👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Registration 2025 - The Ultimate Guide
👉🏻 Read more: BMAT Cancelled - Replaced With The UCAT In 2024
1 to 1 UCAT Tutoring - Weekly
✅ Intensive UCAT Tutoring - Cover VR, QR, DM & SJT
✅ Expert UCAT Tutors - top-scoring tutors will guide you through
✅ Perfect your practice - we will iron out weaknesses with bespoke help
✅ 1-1 Online Tutoring - no group work - have a personal 1:1 tutor
Is The UCAT Hard?
Yes - the UCAT is a hard exam, which needs dedicated time to prepare for and this can be boosted with the right expert UCAT help.
The UCAT requires a lot of preparation and a good understanding of the fundamentals of each of the 5 sections. We recommend starting 4-6 months before your exams.
You may read articles and blog posts online on "how I scored 900" in my UCAT that mention only working 1 hour per day - however, we recommend doing much more than this.
Only this way can you practice all the different types of questions, hone your technique and improve efficiency and time management - we believe in preparing for all outcomes, and giving you the best chance possible of scoring well in the UCAT.
How to prepare for the UCAT in two weeks?
To be honest, this is extremely challenging and most definitely not recommended, we would recommend spending 4-6 months practising and preparing for the UCAT.
If you only have two weeks until your UCAT, try and complete as many questions as possible to boost your score.
We have many UCAT tutors on hand to help you master the UCAT through 1-1 tutoring or via UCAT Courses.
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Revision Preparation Ultimate Timetable
UCAT Tutoring with Experts in 2025
📈 Want to boost your chances of succeeding this year? Join one of our bespoke 1-1 UCAT tutoring programmes today.
🏆 UCAT Tutoring is also available as part of our Ultimate Packages - alongside mentoring with a qualified doctor, personal statement editing, interview coaching and more!
👉🏼 Want to find out more information before booking? Book a FREE CONSULTATION with an expert UCAT tutor today - click here.
Applying In 2025 For 2026 Entry?
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Our admission experts will guide you through exactly what you need to be doing to boost your application including UCAT preparation - which starts now!
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Interview - 1-1 Coaching & 1-1 Mock Interviews [Panel & MMI]
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