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UCAT Situational Judgement Test 2024

<p class="font_8"><a href=""><strong>Dr. Akash Gandhi&nbsp;</strong></a></p>
<p class="font_8">Medicine Admissions Expert</p>

Dr. Akash Gandhi 

Medicine Admissions Expert


Traditionally, the Situational Judgement Test is often a neglected section of the UCAT exam by candidates during their revision. 

We will explain everything you need to know about the SJT, and what tips and tricks you can follow to help prevent attaining a band 3 or 4 in the SJT which may limit your university options.

👉🏻 Read more: The Ultimate UCAT Guide 2025


What Is UCAT Situational Judgement Test?

The Situational Judgement Test UKCAT measures your capacity to understand real-world situations and to identify critical factors and appropriate behaviour in dealing with them. 

This is an exam that will recur throughout your studies as both a medical student and as a doctor through your speciality exams and when applying to the foundation programme. 

These UCAT SJT Questions are very different to any in the exam, which requires their strategy and technique.

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Preparation 2025 - The Ultimate Guide

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Reflective Revision - the most important UCAT Tip

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Burnout - How To Avoid It

UCAT SJT questions, SJT UCAT, UCAT situational judgement test, situational judgement UCAT questions, situational judgement test, UKCAT SJT, how many questions in SJT UCAT, SJT questions UCAT, UCAT SJT practice questions, UCAT situational judgement practice

Why Include Situational Judgement UCAT?

There are many different aspects of one’s thinking that the UCAT situational judgement test assesses. It assessed integrity, teamwork, resilience, and adaptability. 

These are all key personality traits that the GMC believes all doctors should demonstrate to some extent. Situational Judgement Tests are widely used in medical and dental selection, as well as for foundation doctors, dentists, and GPs.

Remember - contact our UCAT tutors to help boost your scores!

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Revision Timetable - how to create one

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Test Day Tips 


How Long Do I Have In UCAT SJT Questions?

26 minutes (with 1.5 minutes of instructions not included within this time) to answer 69 questions in the UKCAT situational judgement test.

👉🏻 1-1 Online UCAT Tutoring in 2025

👉🏻 Online UCAT Courses in 2025 to boost your score!

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Maximum Score in the UCAT SJT

  • Band 1 in the Situational Judgement Test is the highest score you can achieve.

  • Band 4 is the lowest score in the Situational Judgement Test.

It is important to learn about the marking that goes behind these ucat situational judgement bands. Some answers will allow partial marks for the next nearest answer, this can make it hard to mark this section during your SJT practice.

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Scores 2025 - The Ultimate Guide

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Deciles 2025 - Everything You Need To Know

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Score Converter - For When You Are Practicing UCAT Questions


What Is The Average Situational Judgement test UCAT score?

The average UCAT situational judgement test over the last four years is band 2.

👉🏻 Read more: Where To Apply With A Low UCAT Score (2025)

👉🏻 Read more: How To Choose A UCAT Test Day


What Are The Types of UCAT Situational Judgement Questions?

There are three main types of questions in the UKCAT SJT (a new type was introduced in UCAT in 2025:


There are four responses that you must select from when considering importance:

  • Very important - if this is vital to take into account

  • Important - if this is important, but not vital to take into account

  • Of minor importance - if this is something that could be taken into account, but it does not matter if it is considered or not

  • Not important at all - if this is something that should not be taken into account


There are four responses that you must select from when considering appropriateness:

  • A very appropriate thing to do: if it will address at least one aspect (not necessary all aspects) of the situation

  • Appropriate, but not ideal: if it could be done, but is not necessarily a very good thing to do

  • Inappropriate, but not awful: if it should not be done, but would not be terrible

  • A very inappropriate thing to do: if it should not be done and would make the situation worse

Most and least appropriate action

Other questions require you to choose the most and least appropriate action to take in response to the scenario, from the three actions provided.

It is important to evaluate the SJT book that you are using, as the quality of the questions will determine the quality of your ukcat situational judgement practice. 

For the best free SJT questions, check out the official SJT questions on the UCAT website, remember there are no SJT past papers available for the UCAT. 

It is important to stick to principles from each question that you do, to ensure you do not make the same mistake again.

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Verbal Reasoning

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Abstract Reasoning

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Quantitative Reasoning

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Decision Making

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Situational Judgement

Example Situational Judgement Test UKCAT Questions

SJT Question 1

A group of 1st-year medical students finish up a day of home patient visits to enable them to find out more about chronic conditions like diabetes. They have been able to go to patients' houses and ask them questions about their condition, its duration and its effect on their lives. They decide to meet for coffee after the visits to discuss the symptoms they saw during the day.

How appropriate is the following response by the medical student in this situation?

Mark, one of the medical students, talks to the rest of the group of the patient he saw with diabetic foot ulceration, identifying him by his initials, Mr T.S.

SJT Question 1 - Answer

The overriding theme of this scenario is protecting the identity and anonymity of patients. There are two factors to consider here; the location in which the conversation has taken place, as well as the students’ actual conversation regarding the patient. The fact that Mark has anonymised the patient to only his initials is a good way of protecting the patient.

However, an even better way of protecting his identity would be to remove his initials entirely, perhaps referring to him as Mr X. In this way, no one could link the patient to the discussion that Mark and the other students were having. Whilst Mr T.S is an Appropriate means of anonymity, it is not ideal and could have been improved.

Furthermore, the students have met for coffee, meaning that this will likely be a public location. Again, this compromises the patient’s anonymity and could have been improved by holding the discussion in a private location at the hospital, for example. 

These factors, therefore, make Mark’s actions Appropriate, but not ideal.

SJT Question 2:

You are a medical student on a clinical rotation in the emergency department. A patient comes in with severe abdominal pain, and the attending physician asks you to assist with the physical examination. As you are about to begin, the patient tells you that they are feeling uncomfortable with your gender and request that a different medical student with a different gender assist with the exam. 

How appropriate is the following response by the medical student in this situation?

The medical students respects the patient's wishes and ask a different medical student to assist with the exam.

SJT Question 2 Answer

Very appropriate

Explanation: As a professional within medicine, it is important to prioritise the comfort and dignity of your patients. In this situation, the best thing to do is to respect the patient's wishes and ask a different medical student to help with the physical exam. While it is important for medical students to gain experience, it is not appropriate to prioritise this over the well-being and desire of the patient.

SJT Question 3

You are a medical student who is sitting in on an obstetric and gynaecology clinic during your fifth year rotations. Whilst the consultant is outside taking a call, a pregnant patient asks you for advice on whether to have a natural childbirth or a c-section. 

How appropriate is the following response by the medical student in this situation?

Suggests that the patient speak with their obstetrician for more information.

SJT Question 3 - Answer


As a medical student, you are not qualified (yet) to give medical advice to patients. In this situation, it is appropriate to refer the patient to their obstetrician, who is qualified to provide them with the necessary information and guidance on their delivery options, especially when this is a complex question. 

Question 3: How appropriate is the following response by the medical student in this situation?

A patient's family is constantly questioning the treatment plan and demanding additional tests and procedures. The medical student responds by:

A) Explain to the family that the treatment plan has been carefully developed by the medical team and that additional tests and procedures are not necessary.

B) Accommodate the family's requests in order to make them happy.

C) Ask the attending physician to speak with the family and address their concerns.

D) Avoid interacting with the family as much as possible.

Answer: C (Appropriate but not ideal) Explanation: It is natural for patients' families to have concerns and questions about their loved one's treatment plan. In this situation, it is appropriate to involve the attending physician in addressing the family's concerns. The attending physician is responsible for the patient's care and is the most qualified to address the family's questions and concerns. However, it is not ideal for the medical student to simply avoid interacting with the family altogether. It is important to show compassion and empathy towards the family, even if you are unable to fully address their concerns.

How appropriate is the following response by the medical student in this situation?

A) Respect the patient's wishes and ask a different medical student to assist with the exam.

B) Tell the patient that their request is unreasonable and proceed with the examination.

C) Ask the attending physician for guidance on how to proceed.

D) Explain to the patient that you are a medical student and that it is important for you to gain experience in conducting physical examinations.

Answer: A Explanation: As a medical professional, it is important to prioritize the comfort and dignity of your patients. In this situation, the best course of action is to respect the patient's wishes and ask a different medical student to assist with the exam. While it is important for medical students to gain experience, it is not appropriate to prioritize this over the well-being of the patient.

Question 2: You are on a rotation in the maternity ward, and a pregnant patient asks you for advice on whether to have a natural childbirth or a c-section. How do you respond?

A) Tell the patient that it is their personal choice and that you cannot offer any guidance.

B) Explain the benefits and drawbacks of both options and help the patient make an informed decision.

C) Suggest that the patient speak with their obstetrician for more information.

D) Encourage the patient to have a natural childbirth because it is safer for the baby.

Answer: C Explanation: As a medical student, you are not qualified to give medical advice to patients. In this situation, it is important to refer the patient to their obstetrician, who is qualified to provide them with the necessary information and guidance on their delivery options.

Question 3: You are on a rotation in the intensive care unit, and a patient's family is constantly questioning the treatment plan and demanding additional tests and procedures. How do you handle the situation?

A) Explain to the family that the treatment plan has been carefully developed by the medical team and that additional tests and procedures are not necessary.

B) Accommodate the family's requests in order to make them happy.

C) Ask the attending physician to speak with the family and address their concerns.

D) Avoid interacting with the family as much as possible.

Answer: C Explanation: It is natural for patients' families to have concerns and questions about their loved one's treatment plan. In this situation, it is important to involve the attending physician in addressing the family's concerns. The attending physician is responsible for the patient's care and is the most qualified to address the family's questions and concerns. It is not appropriate to accommodate the family's requests if they are not medically necessary, nor is it appropriate to avoid interacting with the family altogether.

👉🏻 Read more: UKCAT Key Dates in 2025

👉🏻 Read more: UCAT Registration 2025 - The Ultimate Guide


UCAT Situational Judgement Tips & Strategies

Top 10 UCAT Situational Judgement Test Tips as taught by our qualified doctors on the UCAT Courses and in 1-1 UCAT Tutoring:

  • Timing is the most important in this section - make sure that you pace yourself. Use different milestones throughout the test to ensure that you always know roughly how you are doing.

  • Read each scenario and option thoroughly before answering the questions, begin to start using this during your SJT preparation.

  • Remember there are different styles of questions in this subset, read the instructions carefully to make sure that you understand what you have to do.

  • Remember that all scenarios are based on the GMC Medicine Guidelines - not what you believe. To score well you must understand these well, and the principles behind them.

  • Within each scenario, each rating can be used more than once or not at all, e.g. everything could be a very appropriate thing to do.

  • How to pass situational judgement tests? Make sure you follow this advice and read the required reading to better understand the ethics and laws that underpin the guidelines.

  • The responses should be related to what an individual should do, not what they might well do.

  • Make sure that you treat responses independently, you should make a judgement per response, not comparing them to each other - this leads to mistakes!

  • Remember that you are going to need to do more SJTs in the future during medical school, as currently there is an SJT in medicine to help determine where you begin to work as a doctor.

  • What you may think is the most or least appropriate, may not necessarily be in one of the responses

  • Try to consider responses irrelevant to the timeframe. Some responses will be appropriate for the short term, others long term, try to negate time when thinking about your response!

  • Read “GMC - Good Medical Practice” to get a good overview of some of the rules you may need to know

  • You may use the laminated board and permanent marker pen to help where and if necessary.

  • Use the flag option if you need to, if you find a ukcat situational judgement practice question hard, guess it and move on.

  • Remember to contact our UCAT Tutors to find out more about how we can boost this score.

It is worth practising your mental arithmetic beforehand, as the quicker you are, the better you will be in the exam as detailed in our application guide.

👉🏻 Read more: Top Tips For UCAT Verbal Reasoning

👉🏻 Read more: Top Tips For UCAT Abstract Reasoning

👉🏻 Read more: Top Tips For UCAT Quantitative Reasoning

👉🏻 Read more: BMAT Cancelled - Replaced With The UCAT In 2024

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