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Application Guide 2025:
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine Clearing and Gateway Courses

Dr. Rebecca Massie
Veterinary Admissions Expert
Everything you need to know about applying to vet school through clearing.
Veterinary Medicine Clearing 2025
Finding a Veterinary Medicine course through clearing is rare but not impossible - if you didn't receive an offer but were able to meet the grade / work experience requirements, then you may be able to get a place through clearing!
Veterinary Medicine Clearing 2021 - When?
Clearing opened on 10th August 2023 last year (A Level Results Day), and closes a month later. The clearing process moves very quickly, so we'd recommend looking into this as soon as you receive your A Level results - do not delay!
Veterinary Medicine Clearing - How?
Check the UCAS website ASAP on results day - vacancies for all courses will be displayed here. What we most strongly advise, though, is getting straight on the phone to the universities - as there are only 10 vet schools in the UK, it is feasible for you to call every single one should you wish to do so.
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Veterinary Gateway Courses UK
Veterinary Gateway Courses are part of a Widening Participation initiative to allow students who otherwise not meet entry requirements to study Veterinary Medicine. The programme includes an additional preparatory year designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to progress into vet school. The course is six years long in total due to the additional year.
Which Universities Offer a Veterinary Gateway Course?
The Royal Veterinary College (London), Bristol and Nottingham all offer a Veterinary Gateway Course.
Who is Eligible to Study a Veterinary Gateway Course?
Veterinary Gateway Courses are offered to UK students only. Each vet school has slightly different criteria, but may include aspects such as your total household income (below a certain threshold), parental education, Level 2/3 school, POLAR4 Score or IMD Quintile Score.
Download our newly updated guide for free: Ultimate Vet School Application Guide for 2025 - 49 pages, written by qualified vets.
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Common Questions About Vet School Applications
Aspiring Vets
Many aspiring vets get in touch with us via our website and online community (Instagram and Facebook) - if you're looking for help with your application, have a look through our website and please get in touch if you would like any advice regarding getting into vet school! We help many people achieve their dream of getting into the next stage of their career and becoming an aspiring vet.
Should I Become A Vet or a Vet Nurse?
Vets and Vet Nurses perform different jobs, but one cannot function without the other! Vets have the job of diagnosing and treating sick animals, whereas Vet Nurses are involved in the supportive care of animals and also have many technical skills. When making this decision, you should consider your strengths and weaknesses - Veterinary Medicine requires higher grades, whereas Veterinary Nursing is a great option for those with strong practical skills.
Should I become a vet or a doctor?
There are a few notable differences between life as a vet and life as a doctor, which should help you to make this decision. Vets not only treat a range of species but also will perform the jobs of medics, surgeons, dentists and more in a 'first opinion' job. Doctors are obligated to specialise after graduation, whereas for vets this is a choice. You also must remember the absence of an animal NHS - the financial element of pet care is an ever-present consideration for vets, but less so for doctors in the UK.
What is a DVM Degree?
DVM stands for Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. This term is more commonly used in the United States than in the UK.
Veterinary Medicine Application Tutoring Packages 2025
Boost your chances of getting into vet school with these bespoke 1-1 packages
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