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Medicine at University of Edinburgh Medical School & Interview Questions 2025

Overview of The University of Edinburgh Medical School


University of Edinburgh Medicine degree equips students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to become a Foundation Year 1 doctor. The degree programme is designed to prepare you for the contemporary challenges of medical practice. Consistently ranked one of the top 50 universities in the world, Edinburgh has been making its mark on the world for more than 400 years


Course Structure of Edinburgh Uni Medicine

Years 1 and 2 

In your first two years, you will study the biomedical and clinical sciences such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology and microbiology, along with social and ethical aspects of clinical practice. 

Year 3 

An intercalated degree, often accompanied with a research project, which will set you up well for future life within the research field. Edinburgh allows intercalation for those looking to complete an extra degree within their studies. 

Years 4,5 & 6 

You will study clinical medicine and healthcare. Able to move around a number of specialities, working on hospital wards and part of a team in clinical placements. 

In your final year, you will apply your learning from previous years and clinical placements, with an emphasis on developing practical skills and knowledge of general and acute medicine, emergency medicine, surgery, anaesthetics and intensive care.

Edinburgh University Medicine Entry Requirements


For MBChB Medicine the University scores an applicant’s eight best GCSEs,
which must include Chemistry, Biology, Maths, and English. The applicant
must have achieved a minimum grade of 7 or A in these GCSEs

A Levels

A*AA at A-Level.

Chemistry must be at A* and Biology/Maths/Physics at A

Widening Access: AAB Chemistry and one of Biology/Human Biology, Mathematics or Physics Only one of Mathematics or Further Mathematics


40 points with 766 at HL

Access Applicants Requirement: 36 overall with 666 at HL. HL: Chemistry and one other science subject. SL: Mathematics and English at 5 and Biology at 5 (if not at HL). From 2021, both the Mathematics Analysis & approaches and Applications & interpretation pathways will be accepted. If Mathematics and English Language do not form part of your IB diploma we will also accept GCSE, or equivalent, at B.

Scottish Higher

Standard Entry Requirement: SQA Highers: AAAAB by end of S5 

Widening Access Applicants Requirement: AAABB by end of S5 Chemistry and two of Biology, Mathematics or Physics. For some applicants this subject combination is not possible at S5.

Scottish Advanced

Standard Entry Requirement: BB at Advanced Higher

Widening Access Applicants Requirement: CC at Advanced Higher.

Degree (Graduates)

2:1 degree is required for Edinburgh Medical School Graduate Entry The school welcome applications for graduate entry to first year if they have a degree in a Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics based subject. They will also consider applicants with a UK 2:1 honours degree in other subjects who have an SQA Higher, A Level, or equivalent, in Chemistry at B.


Uni of Edinburgh Medicine Admission Tests



How Does Edinburgh Medical School Look At UCAT Scores?

Edinburgh UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry 

In 2023/2024 this was 2470

You are required to meet a minimum UCAT score as part of our entry requirements for 2024 entry.  

Our UCAT total cut-off score for those applying for 2024 entry will be 2470 - everyone else is rejected. However, use this with caution looking at the average scores below.

Selection Process A100 - 2023 Entry:

  • Academic score (achieved or predicted): 25%

  • UCAT score (by decile): 17.5%

  • Situational judgement test (SJT) banding: 7.5%

  • Assessment day scores: 50%.

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Edinburgh Medical School, ie UCAT Cut Off Score: 

  • 2023 Entry: 2130 (International, use with caution) 

No minimum clear due to their process, but generally for RUK only worth applying if very high UCAT score with strong academics. 

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW at Edinburgh Medical School: 

  • 2023 Entry: 2800 (Scottish), 2990 (RUK), 3060 (International) 

  • 2022 Entry: 2790 (Scottish), 2940 (RUK), 2840 (International) 

  • 2021 Entry: 2818 (Scottish), 2936 (RUK), 2840 (International) 

👉🏼 LOWEST UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Edinburgh Medical School, ie UCAT Cut-Off Score: 

  • 2023 Entry: 2178 (Scottish & RUK combined, not particularly helpful), 2910 (International) 

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score GIVEN AN OFFER at Edinburgh Medical School: 

  • 2023 Entry: 2830 (Scottish), 3100 (RUK), 3100 (International) 

  • 2022 Entry: 2800 (Scottish), 3090 (RUK), 3090 (International)

  • 2021 Entry: 2850 (Scottish), 2986 (RUK), 3079 (International)

Once all the scores are received we rank them, divide the cohort into deciles (ten equal groups) and allocate a score. We also allocate a score to your SJT banding. The points are then added to your academic score to contribute towards your final ranking for shortlisting and possible invitation to one of our Assessment Days. The individual sections of the total score an applicant achieved may be looked at again when final decisions are made where there are applicants with the same ranked score and limited places left to offer.

These points are then added to the academic score, which contributes to the final ranking for shortlisting and invitation to an interview.  

For MBChB Medicine the University scores an applicant’s eight best GCSEs, which must include Chemistry, Biology, Maths, and English. The applicant must have achieved a minimum grade of 7 or A in these GCSEs

The total UCAT score and academic score an applicant achieved may be looked at again when final decisions are made and there are applicants with the same ranked score and limited places left to offer. 

Once all the scores are received we rank them, divide the cohort into deciles (ten equal groups) and allocate a score. We also allocate a score to your situational judgement banding. The points are then added to your academic score to contribute towards your final ranking for shortlisting and possible invitation to one of our Assessment Days.  

The total score an applicant achieved may be looked at again when final decisions are made and there are applicants with the same ranked score and limited places left to offer.

🚩  SJT Band 4 = rejection.

How Edinburgh Score The Application:

The academic portion of each application to our Medicine programme is scored independently by two members of the Admissions Team. The academic scores outlined in the table below are doubled, to provide an academic score out of a total of 20 points. The academic portion of each application constitutes 25% of the overall application score.

Once the academic part of an application is scored, we await confirmation of each applicant's UCAT total score and Situational Judgement Test banding directly from UCAT. These are weighted separately, with the UCAT total score awarding 17.5% of the total application score and the SJT banding awarding 7.5%. Applicants who are awarded Band 4 in the SJT or whose UCAT total score falls below our cut-off score for that cycle are removed from the selection process (with the exception of Plus Flag applicants, who are exempt from the UCAT total score cut-off).

The total of these three components (50% of the overall application score) is used to shortlist for invitations to our Assessment Day (per fee category). The Assessment Day (Interview) score provides the final 50% of the overall application score. This final overall score is then used to shortlist for offers (also per fee category).

📝 PS - Have your PS checked - 5⭐ Rated

🎙️ Interviews - 1-1 Online Medicine Interview (Panel & MMI) Tutoring & Mocks tailored to Edinburgh - 5⭐ Rated





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Course Information

Graduate Entry

Yes. The school welcome applications for graduate entry to first year. They require a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in a Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, or Physics based subject. They will also consider applicants with a UK 2:1 honours degree in other subjects who have an SQA Higher, A Level, or equivalent, in Chemistry at B.

Graduate applicants are able to send one additional reference by the application deadline, should they wish to.

No special concessions are made for mature, non-graduate applicants. Graduate applicants are able to send one additional reference by the application deadline, should they wish to.



Yes, in Year 3, you’ll take on a whole new challenge, beginning an academic year of full-time, research-based study, leading to a Bachelor of Medical Sciences Honours degree. This means, upon graduation, you will receive both a MBChB and your research-based BMedSci (Hons) degree.

Applications : Place

Application Statistics (Home)


Application Statistics (International)


Applications : Interview



International Student Tuition Fee

The international student fee per year is £37500 (Preclinical)
£51000 (Clinical)


Work Experience for Edinburgh University Medicine

Evidence of a clear understanding of the realities of a career in medicine is sought. Examples include: - work experience/shadowing with health professionals or in health promotion, for example, working in a nursing home and/or volunteering with disabled people - talking with doctors and medical students - attending a university open day and medical conferences/lectures - reading medical literature.


Personal Statement for Edinburgh University Medicine

This provides the opportunity to tell the Edinburgh University School of Medicine all about you! While it will not be formally assessed, it will play an important part in the assessment day. Edinburgh University look at your personal quality and skills in relation to Medicine.

Personal qualities and skills

  • empathy

  • interpersonal relationships

  • ability to communicate

Evidence of career exploration prior to application

  • understanding the realities of a career in Medicine

  • work experience and shadowing with health professionals or in health promotion, examples of which may include the following: working in a nursing home and/or volunteering with disabled people

  • talking with doctors and medical students

  • attending a university open day and medical conferences/lectures

  • reading/ watching/ listening to medical themed literature/ digital content/ articles.


Does This Medical School Have A Gateway or Foundation Year?



Designed for adults returning to education after a gap, with the motivation and ability to go onto univeristy. 

Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP). 

  • Access to Medical Studies.

  • SWAP offers an Access to Medical Studies programme which we accept for consideration for entry to year one of the MBChB from eligible applicants. 

  • We welcome applicants from this route, though it should be noted that undertaking the Access to Medical Studies SWAP course gives no guarantee of an offer to the MBChB.


Eligibility criteria:

  • Have been out of full-time education for at least 3 years AND have no qualifications above SCQF level 5 (National 5, Intermediate 2, Standard Grade, GCSE or equivalent); 


  • Have been out of full-time education for at least 5 years - if applicant already has qualifications at SCQF Level 6 or above (Highers, A Levels, HN).

Interview Questions


Edinburgh University Medicine Interview Questions 2025

Key Details

  • MMI Interview during an Assessment Day

  • Group presentation - lasts 30 mins

  • MMI - 3 stations, each 12 minutes long

  • This is a new process (they didn’t used to interview before)

Interview Dates

Edinburgh Medical school interviews for 2025 entry:  interviews tend to be released between January and March with decisions released in mid-April.

Key Aspects

🎓 Edinburgh Medicine Interview Questions & Topics 2024

Given that this is a relatively new process at Edinburgh, before, they used to not interview at all. This is why they place a significant emphasis on the academic requirements for selection to interview (traditionally a very high UCAT score and academic grades).

The Edinburgh website states that their “assessments will be based on the core attributes of medical doctors” - as per the NHS Core Values. This means that the domains that will be covered at the interview are likely to surround the following domains:

  1. Knowledge & Problem Solving

  2. Safety & Quality

  3. Communication, Partnership & Teamwork

  4. Maintaining Trust

❓ Edinburgh Medical Interview Questions & Likely Topics

These are suggested practice questions based on publicly available information and past trends. They are not official questions from the University and may not appear in your interview. Use them as part of a broader preparation strategy.

Knowledge & Problem Solving

  1. Why Edinburgh?

  2. What do you know about the course at Edinburgh?

  3. Tell us about your work experience.

  4. What did you learn from your work experience?

  5. Tell us about a time when you saw a mistake being made during your work experience.

  6. What is your understanding of a career in medicine?

  7. What is your greatest achievement?

  8. Give us an example of a time when you demonstrated resilience.

  9. Tell us about a condition that you saw in your work experience.

  10. Take us through your personal statement

  11. After your work experience, did you think of anything you would want to do to improve NHS healthcare settings?

Safety & Quality

  1. How do you deal with stress?

  2. Ethical scenarios: how would you mitigate risk here? What would you do with a drunk colleague? If you catch someone stealing, what would you do?

  3. Tell us about a time when you have had to deal with risk.

  4. Tell us about a time when you have dealt with a difficult problem.

  5. What is a critical appraisal and why is it important in medicine?

  6. As a doctor, who can you escalate a problem to?

Communication, Partnership & Teamwork

  1. Give us an example of a time when you demonstrated teamwork.

  2. What is the benefit of a multi-disciplinary team?

  3. Is the role of a doctor simply to act as a clinician?

  4. Give us a time when you solved a problem between two individuals.

  5. Give us an example of a time when you have demonstrated empathy

  6. What are your best qualities?

  7. What is the importance of teamwork within medicine?

  8. Describe a time in your life when you have had to show compassion.

  9. From your work experience, did you see any examples of working within a team?

Maintaining Trust

  1. Tell us about a time when you made a mistake.

  2. How important is trust within a team?

  3. As a leader, how can you ensure that you trust others and that they trust you?

  4. What does patient confidentiality mean? When might you break it?

  5. Why should patients trust you?

Presentation Questions

  1. You are on the committee for organising an information evening about a GP surgery’s flu vaccination day. Pitch your idea to everyone.

🗣️ University of Edinburgh Medicine Interview Tips 2024

  1. Group presentations - Edinburgh Medical School has a group presentation as part of their medicine interview. This means that you will need to be comfortable being watched, analysed and judged throughout this process. Learn how to listen to others, before interjecting and having your own opinion on things about how we should process. Be clear, and concise whilst avoiding waffling. It is important to demonstrate that you are a good leader, team player and speaker here. Try to be proactive throughout this, encourage others to give their ideas, and do not just dismiss what others say. If you are stuck on what to do, volunteer to be the scribe for the sessions.

  2. Make sure that you know your personal statement - in the past, this has been a common source of questions for one of the stations at the Edinburgh MMI Interview. Be prepared to talk about any aspect of your personal statement. E.g. if you mentioned the EPQ - make sure you can talk about this in some detail, be able to talk about what you learnt about and maybe even the implications of research on clinical medicine.

  3. Have examples ready to use: many of the questions asked at Edinburgh are example-based, ie, they require you to draw on certain examples from your personal life, medical work experience and medical volunteering to help make key points that the selectors are looking for. As such, it is paramount that you spend time learning about these examples and thinking about different scenarios that you can use at the interview. It is helpful if these scenarios are malleable and can be applied to a number of different questions e.g. being a football captain, deputy head girl or playing in the school orchestra.

  4. Personal Attributes - Edinburgh is very likely to ask you about personal attributes during the MMI interview. As such it is paramount that you go through and learn these. Check out our 200+ interview question and answer guide for dealing with such interview questions. 

  5. Know the doctor training pathway: this is useful to mention in answers to show awareness about the career in medicine - and demonstrates that you have a considered approach, fortunately, we have a guide to the NHS and the doctor’s training pathway.

  6. Read the MMI instructions carefully - you get enough time to read the instructions provided before the MMI station. Make sure that you don’t miss anything from this. Try and plan how you will structure your answer thereafter in the reading time that you get. Therefore it is really important that you practice MMI questions and ensure that you think about your structure for as many questions as possible before your interview.

  7. MMI Stations - remember that each MMI station at Edinburgh is independent of the other. Therefore it is paramount that you try to treat them as such, if you have a bad station, try to forget about it and reset for the next station, this gives you the best chance of scoring well overall. Read our ultimate guide to preparing for medicine MMIs here.

  8. Know the Edinburgh Course - we would always recommend doing this for every university that you plan to apply to. Remember that Edinburgh has a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) course - this is important to know. It is paramount that you know about the different topics covered each year. How does this differ from other universities? Edinburgh has made intercalation compulsory.  Have you any idea about what you would plan to intercalate in at Edinburgh? Remember there is very early clinical exposure at Edinburgh - this can be an advantage!

  9. Know the local area - Edinburgh is a diverse region of Scotland, with a number of local factors and diseases that differentiate the Edinburgh region from the rest of the UK. Ensure that you research both communicable and non-communicable diseases in the area. How might this impact healthcare provision in the area?

  10. Reflect Well - the Edinburgh Medicine selectors love reflection, make sure that you are good at not just stating what you have learnt, but also how this helped and what you benefitted from, and what you will carry forward about this at medical school and in clinical medicine. This is especially true when reflecting on your medical work experience during the medicine interview.

  11. Practice Role Plays: Role plays are unique to medicine MMI interviews as they do not tend to occur in panel interviews. The only way to ace these stations is to practice! There are so many different medicine role-play scenarios that can come up, such as breaking bad news in the medicine interview, it is paramount that you read about tips for answering role-play scenarios and practice MMI calculation stations. You might want to also consider practising this with a medicine interview tutor, or booking a 1-1 online mock interview.

  12. Don’t over-rehearse - this is a common theme amongst interview students and is very obvious to a trained examiner. As such, we would recommend focusing on the structure of your answer, and then naturally letting it flow when speaking to the answers, concentrating on the delivery of your interview answers. Read about our top tips for medicine interviews here. If you are struggling with this, consider booking sessions with an expert medicine interview tutor.

  13. Learn about the non-academic societies at Edinburgh - this is really important and might augment your Why Medicine question as well as help you formulate an answer to how you will contribute to life at Edinburgh University. Spend time on their website, or looking at their instagram for ideas about societies that you could think about joining.

  14. Learn Medical Ethics & NHS Hot Topics - it is extremely likely that you will be asked about medical ethics at a medicine interview at Edinburgh, so there is no excuse not to brush up on your knowledge on these topics, especially the four pillars of medical ethics. Learn how to provide a balanced argument on this. Check out some of our free articles on NHS Hot Topics here. It is good if you have an opinion on them, as long as you present a balanced and well-reasoned argument, ultimately, which side you choose does not matter, but is helpful to have. Check out our bank of 420+ medicine interview questions.

  15. Learn the NHS Core Values - This can be drawn into different answers about personal qualities or qualities of a doctor, which has formed a feature of stations in the past, and a good understanding of these core values will help you stand out against others. It is important to know about the NHS in general for your medical interviews - read our article here on this.

  16. Good Medical Practice - Edinburgh also puts emphasis on knowing the values and qualities of a good doctor, which can be found in this document and are likely to come up at the interview in the MMI stations. This is universal to many universities, and something that we always recommend students cover during their medicine interview preparation.

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Intense 1-1 interview tutoring - Panel & MMI & Mock Interviews

The Ultimate Interview Guide 2025 - 420+ Q&A by qualified doctors
Create model answers - work on content to stand out

Perfect your delivery - build confidence and enthusiasm in responses

1-1 Mock Interviews - tailored to each medical school.


Contact Details

The Admissions Officer
MBChB Admissions Office
The University of Edinburgh
The Chancellor's Building
49 Little France Crescent
EH16 4SB

Tel:  0131 242 6407



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