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Medicine at University of Keele Medical School & Interview Questions 2025

Overview of Keele Medical School


An innovative, highly-integrated medical curriculum at Sunderland in partnership with Keele University Medicine. Sunderland is one of only five new medical schools, established to address the regional imbalance of medical education places across England and to widen access to ensure the profession reflects the communities it serves. Attending the Keele Medical School Open day will give you a better insight into the university.


Course Structure at Keele University School of Medicine

Medicine at Keele University involves the following phases: 

Phase 1

Years 1 and 2: Overview with early clinical exposure whilst learning the fundamentals of Medicine. 

Phase 2: 

Years 3 and 4: Learning the clinical background with clinical placements building on the foundations of clinical knowledge and skills developed in the preceding years.

Phase 3: 

Year 5: Very extensive student assistantships to prepare you for practice as a Foundation Year 1 doctor


Keele University Medicine Entry Requirements


Grade 6 (B) in Maths, English Language, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. At least 5 subjects at 7 (A)

A Levels

A*AA or AAA + EPQ A*/A

Including Biology or Chemistry plus (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths/Further Maths/Statistics) Resits: If AAB - resit the B subject. If <AAB - all three need to be resat at same time.

We do not use predicted A-Level grades in any way in selection for our Medicine programmes.


37 points including three grade 6 passes at IB Higher Level and grades of 6, 6, 5 at Standard Level are required. Higher Level subjects must include Chemistry or Biology, plus one from Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Maths and a third rigorous subject. /

Scottish Higher

National 5: a minimum of 5 subjects at grade A with a minimum of grade B in Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics Higher: minimum of AAAAB, including Chemistry/Biology plus a second science both at A, to be achieved by the end of S5 (i.e. before applying)

Scottish Advanced

Scottish Advanced Higher: minimum of AB from two subjects (both sciences) sat in S6. Any additional subject sat at Higher level in S6 must be achieved at grade B or higher Any science subject not being offered at Higher or Advanced Higher level must have been passed at Standard/National 5 grade B/2

Degree (Graduates)

  • 2:1 degree

  • A Levels: BBB

  • IB: 28 points

  • GCSE English language and maths and all sciences/double-award science at grade 6 (B) or better


Keele Medicine Admission Tests



How Does Keele Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Keele UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry : 

Single Keele UCAT cut off score (2024 Entry)

For the 2023 entry, the cut-off score was 2280. This equates to the bottom two UCAT deciles being rejected. 

The UCAT is then not used in any decision-making process. 

🚩  SJT Band 4 = rejection.


  • 2022 Entry: 2629

  • 2021 Entry: 2573

Keele Medicine Selection Process [2024 Entry]

**Note: the Keele process has changed for 2024 entry, the Roles & Responsibilities form is no longer used **

Shortlisting for interview is based on a combination of UCAT scores and the UCAS personal statement. 

The UCAT grade and personal statement grade will be calculated as shown below and combined to give a total out of 25. This total mark will be used to rank A100 applicants for interviews.

This is made up of:

  • UCAT Score: 5 points

  • SJT Score: 2 points

  • Contextual: 3 points

  • Personal Statement: 15 points

Total = 25 points

UCAT Verbal Reasoning Score will be used in the case of a tie breaker.

UCAT Quintile (20%) [Total = 5 points]

A quintile is 20% of the cohort.

  • 1st (Top 20%) = 5 points

  • 2nd = 4 points

  • 3rd = 3 points

  • 4th = 2 points

  • 5th = 1 point

SJT Band [Total = 2 points]

  • 1 = 2 points

  • 2 = 1 point

  • 3 = 0 points

Other Points [Total = 3 points]

  • UCAT Bursary = 1 point

  • Contextual Offer = 1 point

  • School in Keele region = 1 point

Keele Threshold Scores Needed For Interview (Ie Cut Off Score)

  • 2024 Entry: 15/25 points (unconfirmed)

Keele Personal Statement Grade Calculation

UCAS personal statements will be assessed against the person specification for a Keele medical student (see below) to give a score on a scale of 0 to 15. 

Your personal statement must provide examples of ways in which you have demonstrated the characteristics listed in the person specification. 

Please see the guidance notes accompanying the person specification to help you with writing your personal statement. If you are applying directly from school/college, please make sure your head of sixth form, UCAS adviser and any other relevant member of staff is aware of the need to address these requirements.

Guidance notes on writing the personal statement for Keele

The essential characteristics are:

  • a) Awareness of the roles of a doctor within the healthcare team, community and society

  • b) Ability to engage meaningfully with people who have some need of care, support and/or help

  • c) Ability to communicate effectively with a variety of people

  • d) Willingness to take on responsibility and fulfil it to the best of your ability

  • e) Ability to maintain one or more significant activities alongside your academic studies over a prolonged period

  • f) Evidence of having made a positive difference to another person’s life

📝 PS - Have your PS checked - 5⭐ Rated

🎙️ Interviews - 1-1 Online Medicine Interview (Panel & MMI) Tutoring & Mocks tailored to Keele - 5⭐ Rated



How Does Keele Medical School Look At The BMAT?

Only international applicants need to sit the BMAT for A100.

With only 10 places for international applicants, all of the candidates will be ranked by their BMAT score. In 2021,  the 46 highest-scoring applicants in the BMAT were invited for interviews for 10 places. They normally receive 200 applicants for these 10 places. 



⭐️ Applying in 2025 for 2026 Entry?

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✅ Advice on work experience, volunteering, wider reading & universities
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✅ 100s of successful students


Course Information

Graduate Entry




Keele Medicine students can opt to take a year out of their undergraduate Medicine (MBChB) studies in order to study a subject area in greater depth, before returning to complete the medical course; this is called an intercalated degree. 

Undergraduates may suspend their medical degree for a period of 12 months and depending on your individual circumstances, you may be able to undertake, after Year 2, a bachelor's degree and after Year 4 a bachelor's degree or master's degree.

Applications : Place

Application Statistics (Home)


Application Statistics (International)


Applications : Interview



International Student Tuition Fee

The international student fee per year is ÂŁ41000


Keele Uni Medicine Work Experience

The Medical School do not place requirements on the amount and type of work experience a prospective medical student should have. We expect candidates to: - Have a realistic understanding of medicine and what it means to be a doctor - Have had some experience of engaging with a wide range of people and understand the realities of a caring profession - Display some of the skills and attributes essential to be a successful doctor, including teamwork, leadership, good communication skills, resilience and empathy.


Personal Statement for Keele Medicine

A grade for the personal statement is combined with a grade for UCAT to produce a ranking grade to select applicants for interview.


Does This Medical School Have A Gateway or Foundation Year?



Foundation Year for Medicine is available for under-represented groups. This course offers standard medical training with the addition of a foundation year (a total of six years).

Students entering the foundation year will undertake a range of modules to bring your academic level up to an equivalent standard to that of direct entrants to year 1 of the MBChB programme. 

Progression requirements are currently 40% (45 credits) in all semester 1 modules and 70% (75 credits) in semester 2.


Keele Medicine Entry Requirements for Foundation Year:

  • GCSE: 5 GCSEs at grade B/6, including double/triple-award science or three separate sciences (including a pass in practical endorsement).

  • A Levels: BBC from three A levels including chemistry or biology

  • UCAT: Required, scores <2280 or SJT Band 4 = rejection. 


  • Ordinarily resident in the UK

  • Attended a non-selective maintained school for GCSEs and A levels

  • Attended a school with an attainment 8 score below national average (level set on an annual basis). For schools without an attainment 8 score only, we will consider schools where the % of students on free school meals is above the national average OR if this is not available, we will consider POLAR 4 data, quintile 1 of the school.



  1. Parent(s) or guardian in receipt of means-tested benefit(s)

  2. Time spent in local authority care (more than three months) within the last five years (i.e. in Years 9–13)

  3. Eligibility for free school meals at any point in Years 9–13

  4. Receipt of 16–19 bursary for purpose other than meals

  5. Receipt of UCAT bursary. Bursaries are available to cover the test fee for applicants from less well-off families. We strongly advise applicants to apply for the UCAT Bursary if they are eligible. Please check the UCAT web site for details.


  • Students on the Keele Steps2Medicine scheme or those leaving local authority care will be eligible for consideration for this route and should include this information in their UCAS application.

  • Applicants from military families will be considered if they have attended a non-selective school and meet the academic criteria.

Interview Questions


Interview at Keele Medicine Questions 2025

Key Details

  • MMI Interview & Maths Test

  • Online Interview [confirmed for 2025 entry]

  • 2 x 15-minute interviews [confirmed for 2025 entry]

  • Four interviewers in total (two in each interview)

  • Maths test [not confirmed for 2025 entry]

Interview Dates

Keele medical school interviews for 2025 entry: are held from December 2025 to April 2025 every year. Offers are sent out on a rolling basis thereafter.

Key Aspects

🎓 Keele Medicine Interview Questions & Topics 2024

The interview is not a test of candidates' academic knowledge. Candidates will not be asked questions directly related to their curriculum. 

The preinterview screening process operated by the School of Medicine (based on academic grading, the medicine personal statement and school/college reference) will already have assured that all candidates called to interview are of sufficient academic calibre. The purpose of the interview is to assess the candidate as a whole person.

This refers to what Keele used to look at interviews, we think that this is likely to still be relevant today. The interview, in addition to forming an overall impression of the student, will be assessed in particular the following areas:

  • Ability to communicate. Communication skills are essential to the practice of almost all aspects of medicine. We expect candidates to be able to express their ideas clearly and coherently and to be able to follow a reasoned argument. Candidates who give spontaneous yet well-thought-out answers to questions are more likely to impress the interviewers than those who give obviously rehearsed and ‘coached’ responses. 

  • Why does the candidate wish to be a doctor? This is an obvious but vital question. It is also the question to which candidates most frequently reply with a coached and practised answer. This is not to say that practised answers would entirely rule a candidate out of consideration, however, they are clearly not as impressive as answers which are spontaneous and show genuine flair and enthusiasm for the subject.

  • Does the student have genuine outside interests? Candidates can expect to be asked at some length about their hobbies and interests, and other non-academic pursuits. Obviously, a starting point for these questions will be areas the candidate has mentioned in his/her personal statement. Clearly, this may lead to other areas but candidates should be aware that anything they write on their personal statement may be questioned at the interview. Thus candidates are advised to be careful when compiling their medicine personal statement and not to include a list of hobbies in which they have only a passing interest, merely to compile a list. Interviewers themselves have a wide range of interests, which often include many of those cited by candidates! The panel is not at all concerned as to exactly what candidates’ outside interests are: merely to assess whether they are able to talk about them with some degree of knowledge and enthusiasm.

  • Previous caring experience. Any experience in a caring role will clearly be a topic raised by the interviewers. This role need not be in a medical environment. The interview is an opportunity for candidates to relate not only the facts and details of their role but also their emotional response to it, what it has taught them, and what they have gained from it.

  • Matters of current interest. Candidates will not be expected to have detailed knowledge of medical or social issues. However, the panel will feel it reasonable to expect the candidate to have an intelligent layperson’s view on current issues related to health and society. Ethical problems may be raised for discussion but candidates should be reassured that neither the panel nor the School of Medicine will take a fixed position on any ethical issue. It is not the candidate’s ethical opinions that the panel will be interested in, but rather how coherently the candidate expresses those views.

In addition, interviewees will complete a separate mathematics test which will assess their ability to perform clinically relevant calculations. This is a pass/fail test. Interviewees who do not achieve the passing score will be unsuccessful in the interview.

❓ Keele Medical Interview Questions 2024 & Likely Topics

Please find below a list of suggested questions that could come up at your interview this year, created by our team to help guide your preparation. 

Motivation to study medicine

  1. Why medicine?

  2. Why Keele?

  3. What did you learn from your work experience?

  4. What qualities of a doctor did you see from your work experience?

  5. What do you know about the Keele Medicine course? How is it taught?

  6. Does our medicine course suit you?

  7. Applying for medicine is a long and challenging process, much harder than applying to most other subjects. What keeps you motivated to pursue a career in medicine?

  8. Why do you think you will be well suited to this course?

  9. Why medicine and not dentistry or nursing?

  10. Tell us about your volunteering

  11. What are your hobbies?

  12. What are the negatives of a career in medicine?

Personal Insight

  1. Why should patients trust you?

  2. What are your best qualities?

  3. How do you manage stress?

  4. Can you provide us with an example of a time when you demonstrated resilience?

  5. Give us an example of a time when you demonstrated teamwork.

  6. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  7. Despite the cutting-edge advancements in medicine, it’s not always possible to cure the patient. How will you manage the emotional burden that carries?

  8. How would your friends describe you?

  9. Tell us about an article that you have recently read.

  10. What should a doctor do if the procedure they are required to perform goes against their faith?

  11. How are sympathy and empathy different? Is any of them more important than the other in medicine?

NHS & Local Area

  1. What changes would you make to the NHS if you could?

  2. What are the NHS values and why are they important?

  3. What is it like to be a doctor?

  4. How do you deal with overpopulation?

  5. What do you know about the local area here in Keele?

  6. What are the main challenges that face the NHS?

  7. How has COVID changed the way the NHS operates?

  8. What do you think are going to be the long-term consequences of COVID on the NHS?

  9. How does the healthcare system differ here compared to other areas in the UK?

Ethical Scenarios

  1. Understanding of the four ethical principles

  2. Understanding of the GMC’s good medical practice

  3. What is the debate surrounding euthanasia, should it be legalised?

  4. You are on your first clinical placement, the nurses are extremely busy and have asked you to help. What do you do?

  5. Are the internet and easy access to medical information good for patient care?

  6. Who would you give this organ to? [Prioritisation]

  7. If you notice that a colleague has turned up to work drunk, what would you do?

  8. Who can you escalate concerns to within a hospital?

  9. Can you think of a situation when lying to a patient would be acceptable and appropriate

  10. A drug is available as 50mg/5ml: your patient’s prescription is for 75mg, how many ml will be given?

🗣️ University of Keele Medicine Interview Tips 2024

  1. Work on your mental maths - If Keele decides to include their interview maths assessment as a part of the MMI, you want to have your maths skills on point. Refresh your GCSE maths and go through questions provided by Keele Medical School.

  2. Have examples ready to use: many of the questions asked at Keele are example-based, ie, they require you to draw on certain examples from your personal life, medical work experience and medical volunteering to help make key points that the selectors are looking for. As such, it is paramount that you spend time learning about these examples and thinking about different scenarios that you can use at the interview. It is helpful if these scenarios are malleable and can be applied to a number of different questions e.g. being a football captain, deputy head girl or playing in the school orchestra.

  3. Personal Attributes - Keele is very likely to ask you about personal attributes during the MMI interview. As such it is paramount that you go through and learn these. Check out our 200+ interview question and answer guide for dealing with such interview questions. 

  4. Know the doctor training pathway: this is useful to mention in answers to show awareness about the career in medicine - and demonstrates that you have a considered approach, fortunately, we have a guide to the NHS and the doctor’s training pathway.

  5. Read the MMI instructions carefully - you get enough time to read the instructions provided before the MMI station. Make sure that you don’t miss anything from this. Try and plan how you will structure your answer thereafter in the reading time that you get. Therefore it is really important that you practice MMI questions and ensure that you think about your structure for as many questions as possible before your interview.

  6. MMI Stations - remember that each MMI station at Keele is independent of the other. Therefore it is paramount that you try to treat them as such, if you have a bad station, try to forget about it and reset for the next station, this gives you the best chance of scoring well overall. Read our ultimate guide to preparing for medicine MMIs here.

  7. Know the Keele Course - we would always recommend doing this for every university that you plan to apply to. Keele uses a spiral curriculum, which is a new type of course. How does this differ from other universities? What is their policy on intercalation? Have you any idea about what you would plan to intercalate in at Keele? Remember there is very early clinical exposure at Keele - this can be an advantage!

  8. Know the local area - Keele is a diverse region of England, with a number of local factors and diseases that differentiate the Keele region from the rest of the UK. Ensure that you research both communicable and non-communicable diseases in the area. How might this impact healthcare provision in the area?

  9. Reflect Well - the Keele Medicine selectors love reflection, make sure that you are good at not just stating what you have learnt, but also how this helped and what you benefitted from, and what you will carry forward about this at medical school and in clinical medicine. This is especially true when reflecting on your medical work experience during the medicine interview.

  10. Practice Role Plays: Role plays are unique to medicine MMI interviews as they do not tend to occur in panel interviews. The only way to ace these stations is to practice! There are so many different medicine role-play scenarios that can come up, such as breaking bad news in the medicine interview, it is paramount that you read about tips for answering role-play scenarios and practice MMI calculation stations. You might want to also consider practising this with a medicine interview tutor, or booking a 1-1 online mock interview.

  11. Don’t over-rehearse - this is a common theme amongst interview students and is very obvious to a trained examiner. As such, we would recommend focusing on the structure of your answer, and then naturally letting it flow when speaking to the answers, concentrating on the delivery of your interview answers. Read about our top tips for medicine interviews here. If you are struggling with this, consider booking sessions with an expert medicine interview tutor.

  12. Learn about the non-academic societies at Keele - this is really important and might augment your Why Medicine question as well as help you formulate an answer to how you will contribute to life at Keele University. Spend time on their website, or looking at their instagram for ideas about societies that you could think about joining.

  13. Learn Medical Ethics & NHS Hot Topics - it is extremely likely that you will be asked about medical ethics at a medicine interview at Keele, so there is no excuse not to brush up on your knowledge on these topics, especially the four pillars of medical ethics. Learn how to provide a balanced argument on this. Check out some of our free articles on NHS Hot Topics here. It is good if you have an opinion on them, as long as you present a balanced and well-reasoned argument, ultimately, which side you choose does not matter, but is helpful to have. Check out our bank of 420+ medicine interview questions.

  14. Learn the NHS Core Values - This can be drawn into different answers about personal qualities or qualities of a doctor, which has formed a feature of stations in the past, and a good understanding of these core values will help you stand out against others. It is important to know about the NHS in general for your medical interviews - read our article here on this.

  15. Good Medical Practice - Keele also puts emphasis on knowing the values and qualities of a good doctor, which can be found in this document and are likely to come up at the interview in the MMI stations. This is universal to many universities, and something that we always recommend students cover during their medicine interview preparation.

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✅ Intense 1-1 interview tutoring - Panel & MMI & Mock Interviews

✅ The Ultimate Interview Guide 2025 - 420+ Q&A by qualified doctors
✅ Create model answers - work on content to stand out

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✅ 1-1 Mock Interviews - tailored to each medical school.


Contact Details

School of Medicine
Admissions Office
Keele University

Tel:  01782 733632
Keele Email:



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