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Medicine at University of Manchester Medical School & Interview Questions 2025

Overview of The University of Manchester Medical School


Manchester Medical School

Why medicine at Manchester? 

The University of Manchester is one of the largest single-site universities in the UK, boasting an impressive 40,000 students worldwide. 

It is a proud member of the elite Russell Group of universities, and its Medical School stands out as one of the oldest in the nation; it was founded in 1874 and has since earned an esteemed reputation for excellence in teaching and research. 

The Medical School has consistently been ranked among the top medical schools in the UK, placing it in an enviable position of pre-eminence. 

The University of Manchester has established itself as a world-class educational institution, providing students with various opportunities to excel in their chosen fields.

Medicine Programme

Manchester Medical School offers an integrated five-year Medicine programme which aims to prepare students for a modern healthcare system. 

During the first two years, most teaching takes place on campus, with visits to hospitals and community settings. This is a problem-based learning programme which focuses on four key modules - Doctors as Scientists, Scholars, Practitioners and Professionals. 

Practical work is emphasised through anatomy dissection, pharmacology practical classes and physiology and clinical experience. 

Year one and two modules include Life Cycle, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Mind and Movement, and Nutrition, Metabolism and Excretion.

From year three to final year, there are clinical placements in four base hospitals, their associated teaching hospitals and community placements. 

During year three, students spend the week observing and learning from patients. In the first semester, there are general medical placements and in the second semester, more complex clinical placements such as acute medical settings and placements within a surgical speciality.

In the fourth year, students are exposed to various specialities through clinical placements and get to learn from specialty experts. There is also an elective placement at the end of the year, typically taken abroad, to allow students to experience unfamiliar healthcare environments. 

The fifth and final year prepares students for their role as a foundation year doctor. Clinical placements occur and students also get to experience community settings such as community paediatrics or community psychiatry.

Teaching Methodology

The medical school provides a comprehensive range of teaching methods, both tried-and-true and innovative, which allow students to become active, independent learners. 

Themed case discussions in small groups, as well as lectures and practical classes, provide ample support and guidance for students as they progress through their degree. 

This degree program offers a unique combination of scientific and clinical learning, thus enabling students to link their theoretical understanding to the real-world setting of medical practice. 

Furthermore, there are opportunities for intercalation after either year two, three, or four, allowing students to gain further knowledge and experience.


Course Structure of Manchester Medicine

The Manchester Medical School Curriculum is as follows: 

Year 1 and Year 2 

During Years 1 and 2, you will be mostly based on The University of Manchester's Oxford Road campus, with visits to centres of excellence for clinical medicine, community settings and teaching hospitals across the north north-west. 

Year 3 

From the beginning of Year 3 until the end of your final year, you will learn primarily though clinical placements organised around our Health Education Zones that comprise four base hospitals and their associated teaching hospitals and community placements. 

Year 4 

Year 4 will broaden your clinical learning across the medical specialties, offering immersion in new clinical placements with supervision and teaching by specialty experts. 

Year 5 

The final year of the course will prepare you for your final university exams, national assessments such as the Prescribing Safety Assessment and, for your role as a foundation year doctor in the NHS, the year is your preparation for practice.

Manchester University Medicine Entry Requirements


Seven GCSEs at grade A (7) or A* (8+). English Language, Mathematics and at least two science subjects are required at GCSE minimum grade B (6). If Dual Award Science or Core and Additional Science are offered, the minimum required is BB (66).

A Levels


Including Chemistry or Biology and one of Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Psychology, Maths or Further Maths.


36 points 

At least 666 at a higher level. 

Major subjects must include Chemistry or Biology, plus another science and one further subject at Higher Level.

Scottish Higher


Scottish Advanced


Degree (Graduates)

Graduates who have completed a degree conducted entirely in English at a UK institution may be exempt from the English language requirements. Please contact us if you are unsure.


Admission Tests for Medical School Manchester



How Does Manchester Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Manchester UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry: 

Manchester University Medicine UCAT: Required UCAT scores in the top third nationally (top 4 deciles) and SJT Band 1 or 2 will be invited to interview. SJT Band 3 and 4 Likely Rejected


  • 2024 Entry: 2700 (Non-WP), 2500 (WP)

  • 2023 Entry: 2750 (Non-WP), 2620 (WP)

  • 2022 Entry: 2730 (Non-WP), 2590 (WP)

  • 2021 Entry: 2640 (Non-WP), 2500 (WP)

  • 2020 Entry: 2610 (Non-WP), 2470 (WP)

👉🏼 AVERAGE UCAT Score INVITED TO INTERVIEW At Manchester Medical School

  • 2023 Entry: 2896 (shortlisted for interview)

  • 2022 Entry: 2826 

  • 2021 Entry: 2623

Also has a Non-Academic Information Form that will be required to be filled out after the UCAS deadline in October 2024. 

Medicine Applications Statistics Manchester A106 Medicine

  • 2024 Entry (Home): 1689 Applicants, 1288 Interviewed, 897 Offers

  • 2024 Entry (International): 703 Applicants, 308 Interviewed, 136 Offers

📝 PS - Have your PS checked - 5⭐ Rated

🎙️ Interviews - 1-1 Online Medicine Interview (Panel & MMI) Tutoring & Mocks tailored to Manchester - 5⭐ Rated





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Course Information

Graduate Entry




Yes - You can apply to take an intercalated degree after the second, third or fourth year of your course, but the majority of students intercalate after years three or four. Intercalation at manchester is extremely popular for many of their students. 

Applications : Place

Application Statistics (Home)


Application Statistics (International)


Applications : Interview



International Student Tuition Fee

The international student fee per year is £34500 (Preclinical)
£56000 (Clinical)


Work Experience at Faculty of Medicine University of Manchester

Manchester require applicants to undertake some relevant work experience prior to application in order that they can gain some insight into what the role of a doctor involves. They are not looking for a particular number of hours doing a specific type of work experience. Shadowing doctors in a hospital/GP setting is not essential or considered to be a substitute for hands-on caring work experience. Applicants should be aware that the university may request confirmation of their work experience.


Personal Statement for Manchester Medical School

Manchester medical school no longer use the Medicine personal statement in the application process for most candidates. Instead, they ask applicants to complete a non-academic information form which applicants send directly to Manchester medical school after they have submitted their UCAS form.

Manchester Non-Academic Information Form 2023

The form is essentially a more structured version of the personal statement, but be aware that you should not simply paste your personal statement into it. We will request brief details about the following areas:

Experience in a caring role

  • This does not necessarily mean medically-related work experience, such as shadowing a GP or consultant. In fact, we ask that you don't use examples of shadowing in this section. We understand that such experience can be difficult to obtain for students under the age of 18. We are more interested in activities you have participated in rather than observed.

  • We are interested in hands-on caring experience that may or may not be medically related. We are trying to ascertain that you have a clear idea of what it is like to study medicine and what the role of a doctor entails. Tell us how you got involved in such work, how much time you spend doing it and, most importantly, what you have gained from it.

Hobbies and interests

  • Doctors must be able to communicate and empathise with their patients. This is enhanced by some shared life experiences.

  • Tell us about your interests and hobbies. Why do you pursue them and how much time do you devote to them? Have you achieved any outside recognition (such as awards or certificates)?

  • We are aware that some students may have more opportunities than others to pursue a wide range of interests. The concern is not so much exactly what you do in your spare time, but that you have some spare time and that you do something with it.

Team working

  • Doctors work in multidisciplinary teams. It is essential that you are able to demonstrate your experience of working in teams. You should also show that you are knowledgeable about the advantages of a team approach to work and other activities.

Motivation for medicine

  • Your reasons for choosing to study medicine may be obvious to you, but they are not obvious to us. The Admissions team has not met you and knows nothing about you. Please tell us how your personal experiences have influenced your decision to pursue a career in medicine.

Why Manchester?

  • The Non-Academic Information Form allows you to provide information on why you applied to The University of Manchester.

The link to the Non-Academic Information Form for 2023 will be emailed to each applicant after the 15 October UCAS application deadline using the email address supplied on your UCAS application.


Does This Medical School Have A Gateway or Foundation Year?



Foundation Year at University of Manchester Medical School The Manchester University Foundation Year Medicine course enables students without the appropriate science qualifications to prepare for their medical degree


  • A-level: AAA (including specific subjects)

  • Contextual A-level offer: AAB (including specific subjects)

  • International Baccalaureate: 36 points are required overall to include core points with at least 666 at higher level.

Applicants who have been in local authority care for more than three months or have refugee status may be eligible for an offer two grades below the standard requirements.

Find out more about contextual admissions.

Interview Questions


University of Manchester Interview Questions 2025

Key Details

  • MMI Interview

  • 4-5 MMI stations

  • 7 minutes long

  • No reading material

  • - ‘Non-Academic Information Form’ must be completed in advance.

Interview Dates

Manchester Medical school Interviews for 2025 entry: Dates: Interviews will usually be held between December and early March.

Key Aspects

🎓 Manchester Medicine Interview Questions & Topics 2024

The pre-interview screening process operated by the Medicine admissions team will already have ensured that all candidates called to interview appears to have sufficient academic potential. The purpose of the interview is to take a wider view of the applicant.

The interview itself is a formal, though friendly, process. 

The majority of the interviewers are drawn from both the University and clinical environments and all have undergone specific training for interviewing applicants including issues relating to equality and diversity. In addition, we also draw on the expertise of patient/lay representatives, current medical students and simulated patients.

We appreciate that some candidates will be nervous, so we ensure that interviews are conducted in as relaxed an environment as possible. However, applicants must be able to handle the stresses of their chosen career, and some elements of the interview will be necessarily challenging and/or stressful.

The interview is not a test of your academic knowledge. The aim of the interview is to determine if a candidate satisfies our non-academic criteria in terms of the values and behaviours expected of a medical student.

The Non-Academic Information Form and the Interview will ask for further information and detail in regard to the following areas:

  • Experience in a caring role

  • Hobbies and interests

  • Team working

  • Motivation for medicine

  • Ability to communicate

  • Why do you want to be a doctor?

  • Previous caring experience

  • Matters of a medical interest

  • Ethical and other issues

There are a number of topics that are more likely to come up at the University of Manchester Medical School MMI Interview, which can be derived from past Manchester MMI stations, including

  • Ability to communicate - gives spontaneous answers

  • Why do you want to be a doctor?

  • Previous caring experience

  • Matters of medical interest

  • Ethical and other issues

Manchester Medicine Interview Format

The interview process for 2023 adopted a four- or five-station multiple mini-interview (MMI) format, with each station being marked by a separate interviewer.

The interview at each station was seven minutes long and there was a two-minute (or longer) gap between stations. No information was provided in advance and there was no reading or writing component to any of the online interview stations.

The starting station was allocated at random, and applicants passed around in order from station to station until they completed them all.

In 2024 all interviewees will be sent detailed information that explains the interview procedure and format of the interview process.

If you’re worried about ethical issues during the MMI, don’t panic – in these debates Manchester states that “candidates should be reassured that neither the interviewers nor The University of Manchester will take a position on any ethical issue.” The interviewers will be interested in how coherently you express the ethical dilemmas facing medical practitioners.

❓ Manchester Medical Interview Questions & Likely Topics

These are suggested practice questions based on publicly available information and past trends. They are not official questions from the University and may not appear in your interview. Use them as part of a broader preparation strategy.

Motivation to study medicine

  1. Why medicine?

  2. Why Manchester?

  3. Why medicine at Manchester?

  4. What did you learn from your work experience?

  5. What did you learn about yourself during your work experience?

  6. What qualities of a doctor did you see from your work experience?

  7. What do you know about the Manchester Medicine course? How is it taught?

  8. Why do you think you will be well suited to this course?

  9. Why medicine and not dentistry or nursing?

  10. Tell us about your volunteering

  11. What are your hobbies?

  12. What are the negatives of a career in medicine?

  13. Have you had any experience caring for others?*

Personal Insight

  1. Why should patients trust you?

  2. What are your best qualities?

  3. How do you manage stress?

  4. How did you develop your relationships with your colleagues?

  5. Can you provide us with an example of a time when you demonstrated resilience?

  6. Give us an example of a time when you demonstrated teamwork.

  7. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  8. How would your friends describe you?

  9. Tell us about an article that you have recently read.

NHS & Local Area

  1. What is the role of the BMA?

  2. Tell me what you know about palliative care.

  3. What is the goal of palliative care?

  4. What changes would you make to the NHS if you could?

  5. What are the NHS values and why are they important?

  6. What is it like to be a doctor?

  7. How do you deal with overpopulation?

  8. What do you know about the local area here in Manchester?

  9. What are the main challenges that face the NHS?

  10. How has COVID changed the way the NHS operates?

  11. What do you think are going to be the long-term consequences of COVID on the NHS?

  12. How does the healthcare system differ here compared to other areas in the UK?

Ethical Scenarios

  1. Questions on the personal statement - anything

  2. Understanding of the four ethical principles

  3. Understanding of the GMC’s good medical practice

  4. Discuss and evaluate the idea of a 7-day NHS.

  5. Should a man with lung cancer from smoking be treated or a man with lung cancer not caused by smoking? What if the finance was limited? Who to spend the money to treat? Who decides who will receive the treatment?

  6. What is the debate surrounding euthanasia, should it be legalised?

  7. Who would you give this organ to? [Prioritisation]

  8. What changes in the last 50 years or so have affected the health of the nation?

  9. If you notice that a colleague has turned up to work drunk, what would you do?

  10. Who can you escalate concerns to within a hospital?

  11. Should the MMR vaccine be compulsory?

  12. Should obese people be given knee transplants?

  13. Should obese people be given heart transplants?

  14. What would you do if part of your PBL group wasn’t pulling their weight? Have a discussion with one of your colleagues about your concerns

  15. Pharmaceutical industry: should their products be sold over the internet?

  16. Should plastic surgery be available on the NHS?

  17. Speak to an actor who is a family member of a patient who is dying, comfort them and discuss end-of-life care with them.

Other Stations

  1. Role play: breaking bad news

  2. Role play: explain to someone how to draw this picture

  3. Picture scenario - describe this picture

🗣️ Manchester Medicine Interview Tips 2024

  1. Practice picture scenarios - This is fundamental as it comes up year after year at Manchester, they love using picture scenarios in their interviews. Often you will need to describe a picture and explain what is happening, and occasionally explain its relevance to the NHS, this requires practising. “Here is a picture of two lungs, what do you see?”

  2. Calculation station - You will be asked to undertake simple mathematical calculations involving data that has clinical relevance. The mathematical skills that are being tested are at or below GCSE level, and those taking A-level Mathematics are not necessarily at an advantage. The sophistication of each task is to recognise which piece or pieces of data need to be manipulated at a particular stage and to determine the precise logical and mathematical approach that needs to be applied. There will be a number of stages in the calculations, and establishing the order in which these are performed is important, too.

  3. Have examples ready to use: many of the questions asked at Manchester are example-based, ie, they require you to draw on certain examples from your personal life, medical work experience and medical volunteering to help make key points that the selectors are looking for. As such, it is paramount that you spend time learning about these examples and thinking about different scenarios that you can use at the interview. It is helpful if these scenarios are malleable and can be applied to a number of different questions e.g. being a football captain, deputy head girl or playing in the school orchestra.

  4. Personal Attributes - Manchester is very likely to ask you about personal attributes during the MMI interview. As such it is paramount that you go through and learn these. Manchester have repeatedly focussed on your strengths and weaknesses as a person, so make sure that you have suitable examples for this. Check out our 200+ interview question and answer guide for dealing with such interview questions. 

  5. Know the doctor training pathway: this is useful to mention in answers to show awareness about the career in medicine - and demonstrates that you have a considered approach, fortunately, we have a guide to the NHS and the doctor’s training pathway.

  6. Read the MMI instructions carefully - you get enough time to read the instructions provided before the MMI station. Make sure that you don’t miss anything from this. Try and plan how you will structure your answer thereafter in the reading time that you get. Therefore it is really important that you practice MMI questions and ensure that you think about your structure for as many questions as possible before your interview.

  7. MMI Stations - remember that each MMI station at Manchester is independent of the other. Therefore it is paramount that you try to treat them as such, if you have a bad station, try to forget about it and reset for the next station, this gives you the best chance of scoring well overall. Read our ultimate guide to preparing for medicine MMIs here.

  8. Know the Manchester Course - we would always recommend doing this for every university that you plan to apply to. What are the advantages of PBL? Why does a PBL course suit you? It is paramount that you know about the different topics covered each year. How does this differ from other universities? What is their policy on intercalation? Have you any idea about what you would plan to intercalate in at Manchester? Remember there is very early clinical exposure at Manchester - this can be an advantage!

  9. Know the local area - Manchester is a diverse region of England, with a number of local factors and diseases that differentiate the Manchester region from the rest of the UK. Ensure that you research both communicable and non-communicable diseases in the area. How might this impact healthcare provision in the area?

  10. Reflect Well - the Manchester Medicine selectors love reflection, make sure that you are good at not just stating what you have learnt, but also how this helped and what you benefitted from, and what you will carry forward about this at medical school and in clinical medicine. This is especially true when reflecting on your medical work experience during the medicine interview.

  11. Practice Role Plays: Role plays are unique to medicine MMI interviews as they do not tend to occur in panel interviews. The only way to ace these stations is to practice! There are so many different medicine role-play scenarios that can come up, such as breaking bad news in the medicine interview, it is paramount that you read about tips for answering role-play scenarios. You might want to also consider practising this with a medicine interview tutor, or booking a 1-1 online mock interview.

  12. Don’t over-rehearse - this is a common theme amongst interview students and is very obvious to a trained examiner. As such, we would recommend focusing on the structure of your answer, and then naturally letting it flow when speaking to the answers, concentrating on the delivery of your interview answers. Read about our top tips for medicine interviews here. If you are struggling with this, consider booking sessions with an expert medicine interview tutor.

  13. Learn about the non-academic societies at Manchester - this is really important and might augment your Why Medicine question as well as help you formulate an answer to how you will contribute to life at Manchester University. Spend time on their website, or looking at their Instagram for ideas about societies that you could think about joining.

  14. Learn Medical Ethics & NHS Hot Topics - it is extremely likely that you will be asked about medical ethics at a medicine interview at Manchester, so there is no excuse not to brush up on your knowledge on these topics, especially the four pillars of medical ethics. Learn how to provide a balanced argument on this. Check out some of our free articles on NHS Hot Topics here. Keep up-to-date with medical issues in the media. Interviewers will expect you to have an informed layperson’s view on both the contemporary aspects of medicine, as well as those of current media interest. It is good if you have an opinion on them, as long as you present a balanced and well-reasoned argument, ultimately, which side you choose does not matter, but is helpful to have. Check out our bank of 200+ medicine interview questions.

  15. Learn the NHS Core Values - This can be drawn into different answers about personal qualities or qualities of a doctor, which has formed a feature of stations in the past, and a good understanding of these core values will help you stand out against others. It is important to know about the NHS in general for your medical interviews - read our article here on this.

  16. Good Medical Practice - Manchester also puts emphasis on knowing the values and qualities of a good doctor, which can be found in this document and are likely to come up at the interview in the MMI stations. This is universal to many universities, and something that we always recommend students cover during their medicine interview preparation.

🏆 Elite 1-1 Interview Coaching

Intense 1-1 interview tutoring - Panel & MMI & Mock Interviews

The Ultimate Interview Guide 2025 - 420+ Q&A by qualified doctors
Create model answers - work on content to stand out

Perfect your delivery - build confidence and enthusiasm in responses

1-1 Mock Interviews - tailored to each medical school.


Contact Details

The Admissions Co-ordinator
Manchester Medical School
The University of Manchester
Stopford Building
Oxford Road
M13 9PT

Tel:  0161 275 5025/5774/7556



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