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Medicine at University of Oxford Medical School & Interview Questions 2025

Overview of Oxford Medical School


Oxford University Medicine have been ranked number one for the last nine years in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for clinical, pre-clinical and health sciences - the only non-North American institution to be top-ranked by THE in any subject discipline. 

The Medicine course at Oxford provides a well-rounded intellectual training with particular emphasis on the basic science research that underpins medicine. It is beneficial to attend the Oxford University Medicine Open Day.

One of the top medical schools in the UK is the University of Oxford. Founded in 1096, Oxford has a long and rich history of providing top-notch medical education. The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including the Oxford Medical School and the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. Students at Oxford have access to a wide range of clinical placements, giving them the opportunity to gain hands-on experience.


Oxford University Medical School Course Structure

Oxford Medical School offers the pre clinical and the clinical stage. In the Pre-clinical stage of the course (years 1-3), most tutorials, classes, and lectures are delivered by members of academic staff, research staff or NHS clinicians (usually at the level of consultant) and mostly take place in the Medical Sciences Teaching Centre in the Science Area. In the Clinical stage of the course (years 4-6), most teaching is delivered by clinicians from the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust as well as local primary care physicians, and University academic staff.

Oxford Medicine Entry Requirements


There are no formal GCSE requirements for Medicine however successful candidates usually have very high GCSE grades (used in combination with BMAT score). 

Strong GCSE scores are a prerequisite for applying to Oxford to study Medicine. 

A Levels


A level achieved in one sitting, to include Chemistry, plus at least one of Biology, Physics or Maths.


39 points

7,6,6 at Higher Level. Candidates are required to take Chemistry and at least one of Biology, Physics or Mathematics to Higher Level.

Scottish Higher


Scottish Advanced

AA (taken in the same academic year and to include Chemistry, plus one from Biology, Physics or Mathematics) plus Highers: AAAAA (taken in the same academic year).

Degree (Graduates)

First Degree: 2.1 or above (or a GPA above 3.5) A Levels: In addition to your degree, you must also have passes at A-level of at least AAB with an A or A* in Chemistry (if A-levels taken within last 5 years), of which one must be chemistry (unless you have a chemistry degree).


Oxford Medical School Admission Tests


Yes (new for 2025 entry)

How Does Oxford Medical School Look At The UCAT?

Oxford UCAT Cut Off 2024 for 2025 Entry

As this is the first year that Oxford are using the UCAT, no cut-off scores are currently known. 

It is likely that scores will be on the higher side. 

📝 PS - Have your PS checked - 5⭐ Rated

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No (as of 2025 Entry), now UCAT

** PLEASE NOTE: For 2025 Entry for Medicine at Oxford - the BMAT will not be used. Instead, the UCAT will be used **

How Did Oxford Medical School Look At The BMAT (2024 Entry and prior)?

  • There is no Oxford BMAT cutoff score at Oxford Medical School and University

  • Instead, the BMAT score is used in conjunction with GCSE scores.

  • A very good BMAT score can compensate for slightly weaker GCSE scores for your Oxford application and vice versa.

  • Section 1 and 2 receive greater weighting (40% each) than section 3 (20%) in the BMAT.

What is a good BMAT score for Oxford?

  • The typical average applicant should be working towards a 6 in sections 1 or 2.


Not Required

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Course Information

Graduate Entry

Oxford Graduate Medicine

This course is an intensive four year medical course and has been designed for graduates who are trained in applied or experimental sciences.

After a two-year transition phase covering basic science and clinical skills, the accelerated programme leads into the final two years of the standard course and to the same Oxford medical qualification as the standard (six-year) course. The four-year course is designed specifically for science graduates, and places a strong emphasis on the scientific basis of medical practice.



Oxford offers an Intercalation Year. Oxford has retained a distinct three-year pre-clinical stage that includes studying towards a BA Honours degree in Medical Sciences, followed by a three-year clinical stage. The course is considered to be the best in the world, according to the Times Higher Education’s league table for 2014-15, a position it has held since 2011-12.

Applications : Place

Application Statistics (Home)


Application Statistics (International)


Applications : Interview



International Student Tuition Fee

The international student fee per year is £43670 (Preclinical)
£57690 (Clinical)


Work Experience for Oxford University Medicine

All applicants are free to make reference to skills or experience acquired in any context to date when trying to address our selection criteria: sometimes applicants refer to voluntary work and other extra-curricular activity, but many forms of evidence can help demonstrate to tutors that an applicant has tried to make an informed decision regarding his/her own suitability to study Medicine.


Personal Statement for Oxford Medicine

The personal statement is considered along with all other aspects of the application for those applicants who are not automatically short-listed, and may be used as the basis for interview questions for those short-listed.


Does This Medical School Have A Gateway or Foundation Year?




Interview Questions


Oxford Uni Medicine Interview Questions 2025

Key Details

  • Panel Interview

  • 2-4x Interviews

  • In Person Interviews

  • 2 College Interviews

Interview Dates

December every year.

Expect to hear by January

Key Aspects

🎓 Oxford Medicine Interview Questions & Topics 2024

Much of the Oxford Medical School Interview will revolve around science and scientific principles. This is different to almost all other interviews (other than Cambridge). The goal is not solely to see how much knowledge you have, it is more to understand your thought process. 

Often the interviewers will push you to the end of your knowledge, before helping you through the problem and seeing how you cope and use the information that is provided to you.

There are no trick questions here, the examiners are extremely friendly. They will try to mimic an Oxford supervision, where a professor will often teach you concepts and topics that go beyond the curriculum. 

There is no predetermined list of questions, but will often be around common biological and human concepts such as the nervous system, cardiovascular system, neurological system and genetics.

💯 University of Oxford Medical Interview Questions Scoring 2024

There is no set method of scoring the Oxford interviews that is publicly available. The interviews are usually scored within each college before the college determines who to give offers to. This is usually in combination with the academic grades that are provided as well as your BMAT score.

❓ Oxford Medical Interview Interview Past Questions 2024 & likely topics

These are suggested practice questions based on publicly available information and past trends. They are not official questions from the University and may not appear in your interview. Use them as part of a broader preparation strategy.

  1. What is ATP and why is it important?

  2. Tell me what you know about malaria, why is it a problem? How would you go about trying to eradicate malaria?

  3. Draw a chemistry graph concerning activation energy needed for a reaction, label the axes.

  4. Take us through what happens when you eat a piece of bread, how is it broken down? What happens next? What happens to the glucose once in a cell? How is glucose control regulated? What is glucose converted into?

  5. What happens to a neuron during an action potential?

  6. What happens at the synapse of a neuron?

  7. What makes a good doctor? Did you see any examples of this in your work experience?

  8. Describe the mechanism of heart pumping. How does blood flow around the body? Do you know any formulae to calculate the volume of blood flow, its resistance and how different arteries and veins differ between them?

  9. How does the COVID vaccine work? What are they working on now to combat the next waves of COVID? How would you improve this?

  10. How has the human diet changed in the last two centuries? What do you think are the long term impacts of this for humans in general?

  11. What evidence is there that humans are still evolving?

  12. How does blood return to the heart from your legs? How is the body adapted to help this happen?

  13. Draw us a cross section of an artery. How is an artery adapted to its function?

  14. Can you work out how many litres of blood the heart pumps during the lifetime of an average person?

  15. What do you know about neurodegenerative diseases? How can one investigate someone who has a neurodegenerative disease?

  16. What is a PET scan? What does the P stand for? What is it?

  17. Why do so many people in Western society die of cancer?

  18. What are the qualities of a good doctor? Do you think work experience is important?

  19. How does a glow stick work?

  20. What is your understanding of the flight or fight response? Is it still relevant now that we are not cavemen?

  21. What are the dangers of an ageing population.

  22. What is your understanding of the Oxford medicine course? What has changed over the years? Is there anything that you do not like about it?

  23. Describe this bone, where do you think it is from in the human body?

  24. Here is an image of an xray, tell us what you know about it.

  25. What would you change about the NHS if you could?

  26. Why is social care an issue in the NHS?

  27. Would you privatise all of parts of the NHS? Would this make it more efficient? What would be the effects of this?

  28. When is a human dead? How can this be checked?

  29. Should euthanasia be legalised?

  30. What are the four ethical principles?

  31. What is the ethical dilemma that surrounds Huntingdon’s disease? When do authorities need to be notified? When does confidentiality need to be broken about this?

  32. A 13 year old girl asks for the oral contraceptive pill, what do you do? What ethical and legal frameworks are important here?

  33. What is your understanding about sectioning within the NHS in terms of mental health?

  34. How would you solve the AIDS crisis?

  35. How was polio eradicated in so many countries? What do you understand about how this came about? What could we learn about COVID from this?

  36. What is a prion and how does it affect the brain?

  37. Why don’t fish freeze?

  38. What qualities are needed to be a good doctor?

  39. Tell me about a recent medical technology advancement which you are interested in.

  40. How can you calculate the moles of water inside this glass?

  41. Interpret these graphs showing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes being treated with insulin.

  42. Start by telling me which graph represents each type.

  43. What are the ethical implications of taking steroids for sporting activities?

  44. What are amino acids and how do they make up proteins?

  45. Explain electrolysis to us

  46. What is the effect of altitude on the human body?

  47. How might humans adapt to changes in altitude?

  48. How does circulation differ between a foetus and a human?

  49. What is haemoglobin and how does it work?

  50. What do you find in a cell? What else would you want in a cell?

  51. Discuss the different types of bonding between different atoms.

  52. What is rust? Why does it happen? How can it be stopped?

  53. How would you tackle the obesity epidemic?

  54. What are the effects of smoking on the body?

  55. How is oxygen absorbed into the blood stream? How is the human body adapted to this?

  56. How do your eyes work? Is this a good system? Why do we have two eyes?

  57. What is a B cell and T cell, which are more important to the human body?

  58. How does the human body recognise a pathogen, how does it go about eliminating it?

  59. Why do humans have two legs? Is this advantageous or disadvantageous?

  60. What is your opinion on nature vs nature for personality?

  61. What are the worst problems about Western Healthcare?

  62. If you had to describe the human body to an alien, what would you say?

  63. How do you investigate someone with a brain tumour?

  64. Why is working in a multidisciplinary team important?

  65. How does gene editing occur? How have humans used this for our benefit?

  66. Why does your heart rate increase when you exercise?

  67. How does the NHS work?

  68. What is a clinical trial, how do they work? How are they regulated?

  69. What is an ECG and how does it work?

  70. Do you know what a blood gas is?

  71. Discuss antibiotic resistance and its future implications.

  72. Describe which anatomical structures are shown in this diagram.

  73. How would you reassure a patient who is worried about receiving their biopsy results?

  74. What is the benefit of a placebo in medicine? Do you think that they should be used by doctors?

  75. Explain how sodium and potassium move in and out of cells? What controls this? How might this be disturbed in some people?

  76. What happens to cells in cancer? Why is this unregulated? What would you do to change this if you could alter genes?

🗣️ University of Oxford Medicine Interview Tips 2024

  1. Interview Topics - The interview topics that come up are not extremely difficult. Instead, the interviewers focus on building upon simple topics from GCSE and A-Levels and build upon this during the interview. As such, it is worth trying to learn and stick to the basics of human biology and thinking about how this can apply to different scenarios. Read our guide to Oxbridge medical interviews here. 

  2. Practice Practice and Practice - this is the only way to improve on the problem-solving type questions, talk through these problems with teachers and other students to see how you can develop your answers and responses further.

  3. Other questions - Towards the end of the interview, the interviewer may then ask you some questions related to your work experience, BMAT essay or your medicine personal statement e.g. about the fact that you play cricket. Ensure that you are comfortable talking about all of these topics and principles.

  4. Know your sciences - While it is not specifically stated in their admissions policy, Oxford does expect applicants to showcase an “enthusiasm and curiosity” for the sciences. This is often done by questioning your understanding of recent medical advancements or other popular medical concepts in today’s media, such as social determinants of healthcare. A thorough understanding of medical concepts in the media and those surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic should suffice. You should also have a strong grasp of your A-level Biology concepts.

  5. Variation of Oxford interviews - The interviews vary greatly between all of the colleges, so it is important that you research as much as you can about these interviews before you go to yours. Speak to pupils studying there if you can, or do as much research as possible!

  6. BMAT Essay - it is not uncommon for topics mentioned on your BMAT essay, that is why we always tell our students to write out their essay/salient points after sitting the BMAT exam. Make sure that you spend some time researching these topics before your Oxford interview just in case they do come up.

  7. Be inquisitive - Try and demonstrate that you are an inquisitive person, seek to ask questions to check to understand, and work with the supervisors who are interviewing you, ultimately they want to see if you are someone they would want to work with for an hour every week during the term!

  8. Making mistakes - Don’t worry about making any mistakes or being wrong - it is perfectly normal. In fact, most successful candidates who receive an offer to study at Oxford, often think that they have done very badly at their interview. The most important thing you can do is let the interviewer know about your thought process, explain how you are using the information that they provided, and even ask for more help if you are really stuck - it's absolutely fine to do this.

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1-1 Mock Interviews - tailored to each medical school.


Contact Details

Student Administrative Officer
Medical Sciences Teaching Centre
South Parks Road

Tel:  01865 285783



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