Harper and Keele Vet School
Overview of Harper and Keele Vet School
Harper Adams has a strong pedigree in animal sciences, veterinary nursing and veterinary physiotherapy, whilst Keele has a long history in the life sciences and human medicine. Between them they have 186 years of heritage in the combined animal and human health education sector. Both institutions are well recognised for their strength in employability, student satisfaction and first class teaching. Studying at the Keele University Veterinary Campus will allow students to embrace some of the latest veterinary technologies.
There are two centres that form this veterinary medicine course, which will provide students with the opportunity to take advantage of two institutions with not only a common commitment to excellence but also complementary skill sets and resources. In its first year of opening (2020), the Harper & Keele Veterinary School had a year group size of 120 students.
Course Structure
The course structure is a highly practical and clinically-focused programme from year one. A contemporary ‘spiral’ curriculum design enables students to study the key concepts in relevant clinical context from the outset.
These are revisited in subsequent years with increasing complexity drawing on input from researchers, clinical specialists and industry colleagues from our extensive network.
This not specifically mentioned or advertised by Harper Keele, but is something that may be considered and undertaken - we recommend getting in touch with their admissions office to confirm this.
What Makes Harper Adams Vet School Unique?
The Harper and Keele Veterinary School is unique in that it provides students with access to resources from two universities. Being the most recent Veterinary School to open in the UK, you will benefit from brand-new equipment for which they have made a significant investment. You will also be integrating with students of agriculture at Harper Adams, providing you with more valuable insight into the farming profession from a personal level.
Harper Adams & Keele Vet School Entry Requirements
Minimum 6x GCSE passes at Grade 4 (C) or above to include English Language, Maths & Science
A Levels
AAB with Grade A in Biology or Chemistry, a second science subject at grade A (including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Further Maths and Statistics) and a third subject of your choice at grade B (excluding General Studies, Critical Thinking and a second maths subject if used as a science above).
Minimum score of 34 overall. 6, 6, 6 at Higher Level, including Biology or Chemistry, a second science subject and a third subject of your choice. Minimum of 5, 5, 5 in Standard Levels.
Scottish Higher
AA in Advanced Higher in Biology or Chemistry and AABBB minimum at Higher level, to include Biology and Chemistry.
Scottish Advanced
Harper & Keele Additional Exams
SAQ is likely to be required this year.
Course Information
Graduate Entry
Harper Keele Vet School Work Experience Requirements
6 weeks: 2 weeks in veterinary practices (ideally small and large animal) and 4 weeks on non-clinical placements.
Harper Keele Vet School Personal Statement
All applications are assessed and scored, taking into account the personal statement, references, work experience and entrance qualifications.
Does This Medical School Have A Gateway or Foundation Year?
Harper & Keele Gateway To Medicine Course
Not offered
Harper And Keele Vet School Interview Questions
The interviews at Harper Keele are 'station based' (MMIs) designed to assess the various attributes of the applicants. This includes animal handling.