Nottingham Vet School
Overview of Nottingham Vet School
The University of Nottingham is a public research university in Nottingham, United Kingdom. It was founded as University College Nottingham in 1881, and was granted a royal charter in 1948. The University of Nottingham belongs to the elite research intensive Russell Group association.
The Veterinary Medicine course is taught at the Sutton Bonington campus (about 30 mins away from Nottingham city centre by bus) - home to over 2,500 students from the Schools of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, which creates a place where it’s easy to get to know your fellow students and teaching teams, yet part of a wider global community.
The year group size at Nottingham is about 300 students, making it the largest vet school in the UK - this number recently overtook RVC.
Students will get to take advantage of the newly refurbished nottingham vet school accommodation.
Course Structure
Nottingham’s veterinary medicine course is highly-rated by students. You will get hands-on with animals from day one and can choose when you start (September or April).
You'll learn theory and practical aspects of domestic, wild and exotic species, with clinical experience integrated throughout the course. Practising with Clinical Associates on your placement year ensures you learn a varied case-load of animals and treatments.
Teaching is delivered through body system-based modules, which integrate traditional medical subjects, such as anatomy and physiology. Modules are taught twice - once as a veterinary science subject in year one or two, and again as a clinical subject in year three or four.
Intercalation: All students will receive a BVMedSci degree on completion of their third year of study, without the requirement for an additional year to receive this qualification.
What Makes The University Of Nottingham Vet School Unique?
Uniquely, Nottingham’s Veterinary Medicine course has an integrated BVMedSci, saving you a year of study, tuition fees and living costs. This part of the course will help enhance your ability for continual learning and development in veterinary medicine through research.
If a quieter/rural way of life appeals to you, then the Sutton Bonington campus at Nottingham may be ideal, located in peaceful countryside away from (but still accessible to) the city centre. Nottingham is also currently ranked as the best university for student satisfaction in Veterinary Medicine in the UK.
Nottingham Vet School Entry Requirements
Minimum of five GCSEs at grade 7 (A) to include biology and chemistry (or double science or core science, additional science, further additional science) and one of physics or maths. Minimum of grade 6 (B) in English Language & Maths.
A Levels
AAB with Grade A in Chemistry and Biology (or Human Biology) - a pass is required in science practical tests, if assessed separately. Grade B in a third subject, excluding citizenship studies, critical thinking, general studies and global perspectives.
Minimum total score of 34 overall with grade 6 in Higher Level chemistry and biology and grade 5 in a third subject at Higher Level, with supporting level 2 qualifications.
Scottish Higher
AA in Advanced Higher Biology and Chemistry. Minimum of AABBB at Higher Level in any order, to include Biology and Chemistry. Minimum of five grade As at National 5 level to include Chemistry and Biology (or double science). One of Physics or Maths must be passed to grade A, minimum of grade B in Maths and English Language. Grade A at Higher level Physics/Biology/Chemistry/Maths/English can compensate for achieving grade B at National 5 level.
Scottish Advanced
Nottingham Vet School Situational Judgement Test (SJT)
At this stage your application is reviewed to ensure that you have gained at least four weeks' experience of working with animals. Work experience must have been completed within the three years prior to application. We do not accept submission of references, journals and portfolios associated with work experience.
Online Assessments
The Situational Judgement Test and Personal Qualities Review are only accessible through an online questionnaire, which we will email to you after the 15 October application deadline. You will have two weeks to complete the survey, and a reminder will be sent after one week. If after the two-week period you have not completed the survey, your application will be declined.
Situational Judgement Test
Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs) assess your judgement in situations you will encounter while studying veterinary medicine. It assesses key attributes identified as important for you as a veterinary student. The test will evaluate your interpersonal skills and ethical values rather than knowledge or clinical skills. You will complete a set of hypothetical but relevant scenario-based, multiple choice questions associated with the veterinary profession. Your answers will be evaluated to build a picture of your situational judgement in that context.
The SJT evaluates four attributes:
empathy and building client relationships
professional integrity and trust
A rating is used from a scale of 1 to 4 where you will be asked to either:
rate the appropriateness of a series of options in response to the scenario
rate the importance of a series of options
Your responses will be evaluated against a pre-determined automated scoring system. You must complete the SJT for further review and short listing for interview. It should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete the SJT and it must be completed in one sitting.
Personal Qualities Review
You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire which will provide us with further evidence about your motivation, abilities, and attributes for a career in veterinary medicine. As part of this we consider your other experiences or achievements, for example sports, music, expeditions. Your answers will be marked by veterinary school staff and the questions align to the RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct
Course Information
Graduate Entry
Nottingham University Vet School Work Experience Requirements
Four weeks
How Does Nottingham Vet School Use The Personal Statement?
Your personal statement will be taken into account in your application for Nottingham, but they weight their Personal Qualities Review more heavily in assessment of your motivation/character.
Does This Medical School Have A Gateway or Foundation Year?
Nottingham Veterinary Medicine Gateway Coursea
Nottingham’s veterinary medicine gateway year helps widen participation in veterinary medicine. You'll learn basic science in animal biology and chemistry, as well as animal behaviour and care. Teaching uses integrated modules that illustrate how these key areas work, giving you the required knowledge for progression.
Nottingham Vet School Interviews
Assessment Day
You will be ranked based on your overall score of the online assessments and the highest ranked will be invited to attend an assessment day. No student is admitted without interview and assessment - for international students, the interview may be conducted over Skype. The assessments will identify if you:
Have the ability to cope with the course
Are motivated towards a career in veterinary medicine and surgery
Have insight into the implications of this career choice
Have or appear to have the potential to acquire the personal skills expected of veterinary practitioners
Are suitable for admission to the University of Nottingham's School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
The interview will normally be conducted by a staff member and either Nottingham alumni or an associate vet. Usually, at least one will be a vet and one a member of academic staff. The assessment will involve an interview lasting approximately 30 minutes and will assess your:
Motivation, insight into a veterinary career and interest in veterinary topics
Academic ability, communication skills, animal orientation personal attitudes and attributes, fitness to practice as a veterinary surgeon.
Practical aptitude assessment
You will be expected to deal with animal material and clinical information. Nottingham will assess your enthusiasm and aptitude, including observational and analytical skills and animal-orientation, rather than your knowledge.
Team working activity
Conducted in groups, Nottingham will observe your ability to work with a peer group.