Vet School Rankings UK
Click to find out more about each UK Vet school and its Veterinary Medicine course structure, interview questions, Work Experience, SAQs, SJTs, Personal Statement information, contact details and more!
Best Veterinary Universities UK
If you're thinking of applying to vet school, of course, you'll want to go to the best vet school you can! You'll be pleased to know that all UK vet schools are of a very high standard, so deciding which is the best veterinary university will really depend on your individual preferences and requirements.
There are various ranking tables available online for the UK vet schools, and you'll see they all have different rankings/criteria! Essentially, there is no clear-cut answer to this question. We recommend doing some research of your own to work out which vet school is best for you - our Universities Guide can help you with this.
The 2024 Veterinary University Ranking as per the Complete University Guide 2024 is as follows:
Veterinary Degree Schools In The UK
There are currently 10 vet schools in the UK:
What is the easiest vet school to get into the UK?
This is a very tricky question to answer, veterinary medicine is notoriously one of the most difficult degrees to get into in the UK. There is extremely tough competition for places, as such, there is no easy veterinary school that one can get into in the UK. Having said that, it is important to consider the institutions that you are applying to. Traditionally, some of the newer universities are likely to receive fewer applications and therefore you will have a greater chance of getting into them - this includes Surrey Vet School, Harper & Keele Vet School, and, Aberystwyth Vet School.
Vet School Questions - 2025
How Expensive is Vet School?
Going to vet school is a big financial commitment - not least because it's a five year degree (in comparison to three years for other Bachelor's degrees). Fees and funding does vary depending on circumstances, however!
How Expensive is Vet School for Undergraduate Students in the UK?
How much is it to go to vet school? Tuition fees for undergraduate UK students at vet school in the UK are roughly £9,000 per year - this would make the total tuition cost £45,000 for a five year degree (or £54,000 for those who intercalate and add an extra year to their degree). Maintenance fees, of course, are additional to this.
How Expensive is Vet School for EU / International Students?
International and EU tuition fees tend to be higher, at roughly £36,500 per year.
Are There Any Grants/Bursaries Available For Vet School?
Yes - vet schools are passionate about widening participation, and there are foundation/gateway schemes which may also mean you're eligible for reduced fees. We recommend getting in touch with universities individually to find out more about this.
Veterinary School Acceptance Rate
On average, there are 10 applicants per place at vet school - it's a competitive course, so it's important to optimise your chances of success in every aspect of your application.
How Can Increase My Chances of Veterinary School Acceptance?
You must make sure you fulfil all criteria as a baseline - this includes grades and work experience. In addition to this, you must also perform well in your personal statement, SAQs (supplementary assessment questionnaires) and interviews. We can help you with this - see our website for more information!