Make your PS stand out

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Join 2350+ happy students

1. Choose one of our editing packages

2. Upload your PS to our portal

3. Your improved PS will be emailed back to you within 72h
Here's how it works (steps)
Unlimited Edits & Coaching Service
Unlimited PS checks
Expert feedback in 72h
Checked by two qualified pharmacists
English, grammar & reducing word count
Oxbridge, GEM & International
Unlimited follow up via Whatsapp
Live line by line reconstruction
Perfect if unsure when/how to start - we will guide you!
Our UCAS Pharmacy Personal Statement Services
Unsure where to start with your personal statement, need some guidance or unsure which package is best for you?
Contact Us | Tel: 02034885468 | Email: info@theukcatpeople.co.uk
What We Help With
We will not only make sure that your pharmacy personal statement has no errors in English & grammar, but help improve the flow of your statement.
English & Grammar
Pharmacy School personal statement structure - books, medicine work experience, volunteering, extra curricular - you will tick every box.
With so many statements to read, it is imperative that yours stands out. With 10 years of crafting unique and plagiarism free pharmacology personal statements - trust us.
Standing Out
All of our reviewers have experience on the admissions panels of universities - they know what it takes for a statement to pass the rigorous selection criteria.
Doctors Only
Don't fall into the common traps of the opening paragraph - we will make sure that your opening paragraph draws their attention and captivates them.
Opening Sentence
Struggling to cut down to below 4000 characters? Unsure what to remove? We will always ensure it is below the word count for your ease.
Reduce Word Count
Who Will Review Your Personal Statement?
Our expert pharmacists have qualified from universities across the country including King's, Nottingham, Glasgow, Manchester, and Aston - they know what it takes and they have helped many people with writing pharmacology personal statement examples to boost your UCAS application. Between them, they have read, reviewed and edited over 2300 personal statements.
Here are some of our other lead PS reviewers:
Dr. Akash
Founder | Doctor | Expert PS Reviewer
Akash is a junior doctor & our founder. He has tutored 1000s of successful pupils in receiving places to study Medicine & Dentistry across the country - find out more about him here.

Dr. Shahab
Founder | Dentist | Expert PS Reviewer
Shahab is a dentist & our co-founder. He has helped many pupils secure places to study dentistry at university. Find out more about him here
Dr. Sonal
Founder | Dentist | Expert PS reviewer
Sonal is a Dentist and one of our founders. She has tutored 1000s of successful pupils in receiving places to study Medicine & Dentistry across the country - find out more about her here