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Organ Donation & UK Organ Transplant Dilemmas - NHS Medicine Hot Topics & Interview Questions

Writer: Adam MallisAdam Mallis

Updated: Dec 16, 2024

You will need to provide some examples of NHS hot topics you can apply during your medical school interviews. Here you will learn everything you need to know about organ transplants in the UK and organ donation in the UK.

This includes the ethical implications and some example medicine interview questions and model answers for you. Combine your reading here with medicine interview tutoring to boost your answers and delivery.

Medicine Interview Organ Donation and Organ Transplants UK Medical Medicine Interview Questions Ethics Hot Topics TheUKCATPeople, Medical Ethics. Live Organ Donation, MMI Panel Organ Donation, Organ Rules UK, Organ Donation Rules UK, How To Donate organs

Summary of Organ Transplant Dilemmas in the UK for Medical Interviews

  1. There are currently almost 7000 people in the UK waiting for an organ transplant - ranging from the heart to corneas

  2. Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland all currently operate on an opt-out organ donation system, though this is controversial

  3. People are waitlisted for organs based on various metrics, including factors that may affect their long-term health (eg continuing to drink while waiting for a liver transplant will almost always lead a patient to be deprioritised)

  4. Other key ethical dilemmas include whether or not we should allow people to sell their organs, and what other restrictions should be placed on transplant donors and recipients

Key Ethical and Social Issues Related to Organ Donations in the UK

How do organ transplants work?

When someone dies, some of their organs may be viable to be harvested. This depends on factors such as the biochemical, morphological, and functional viability of the organs. Many donors will have some organs that are viable for transplant and some that are not.

Organs are then viable for different amounts of time depending on what they are - for instance, a heart is viable for 4-6 hours whilst a kidney is viable for 24-36. During this time, they are matched to a prospective recipient on a national waiting list. This is also influenced by factors such as proximity and the capacity to actually carry out the procedure in time, as well as whether the patient is a match for the organ.

After the surgery, there is generally a long recovery period. This is because of various factors. Organ transplant surgeries tend to be long, with the potential for many complications. Additionally, after their surgery, a patient must take immunosuppressant medication to reduce the risk of organ rejection. However, this increases the risk of severe and possibly fatal response to infection.

Even once a patient has received a transplanted organ, there is still a high risk of premature death.

Should we have an opt-in or opt-out organ donation system in the UK?

An opt-in organ donation system is one where, if a person has not declared a preference before their death, it is assumed that they do not want to be an organ donor. They have to opt-in to avoid the default.

An opt-out system is the opposite - if the deceased has not registered a preference, their organs are still donated. They have to opt out of this system. Their next of kin, however, can generally opt-out on their behalf after their death.

The UK currently operates on an opt-out system. Arguments in favour of this include:

  • Numbers: More organs would be donated, which would fulfil the current deficit in the supply of organs in the UK. 421 people died whilst waiting for an organ in the UK last year, and this could have been avoidable.

  • Prioritisation: When considering whether to prioritise those waiting for organs or deceased people who have not expressed a preference, it is possible to argue that we should prioritise those who have a chance to live for longer.

  • Normalisation: An opt-out system would make organ donation seem more normal, encouraging more people to donate upon their death and choose not to opt-out.

Arguments in favour of an opt-in system include:

  • Autonomy: It is possible that some people would not know about the system, so would end up having their organs donated against their wishes because they never had the chance to express a preference otherwise.

  • Respect: It is possible to argue that we should prioritise the dignity of the dead, particularly because some religions state that the body must remain intact after death.

  • Alternatives: Some people argue that we could instead encourage more people to sign up and opt-in to donate their organs, which would also help to solve the problem.

Should we allow people to sell their organs in the UK?

Another important ethical debate is whether or not we should allow the sale of organs by living donors.

Some arguments in favour of legalising selling organs include:

  • This would ensure that more organs are available

  • It would discourage people from turning to the black market to sell their organs, which is dangerous and discourages people from seeking help for complications

Some arguments against legalising organ sales include:

  • It is possible that, even if organs were sold to the NHS and allocated fairly, people in need may feel pressured to sell their organs for money

  • It could be considered to be inherently unethical to sell organs as they are a part of someone’s body

What is living organ donation?

Living organ donation refers to the donation of a whole or partial organ from a living person to another person in need of a transplant. This type of donation is typically reserved for organs that can regenerate, such as the liver, kidney, and lung.

Living organ donation is a critical source of organs for transplantation, as the demand for organs far exceeds the number of organs available from deceased donors.

In addition, living organ donation can offer a number of advantages over deceased donation, such as the ability to plan the transplant surgery in advance, and the potential for better outcomes due to the quality of the donor organ.

However, living donation also carries some risks, both for the donor and the recipient, and careful screening and evaluation are essential to ensure the safety of both individuals involved.

What restrictions, if any, should we place on candidates for receiving organ transplants?

In the UK, various factors affect the extent to which someone can be prioritised for transplant receipt. It is important to note that these are factors that affect the extent to which the organ is likely to help that individual and last for an extended period of time. These include:

  • Clinical necessity: Other treatment options should be exhausted before transplant is considered, given the scarcity of organs.

  • Survival chances: Patients with significant other comorbidities, who may not survive surgery or survive for long after surgery, may be deprioritised.

  • Support system: Patients should demonstrate that they have a support system that can help them through the long recovery process

  • Risk factor exposure: It is important that patients show they can avoid relevant risk factors (eg abstaining from alcohol if they are receiving a liver transplant following a diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease) - this ensures that the transplanted organ is not likely to be damaged

Patients should not be prioritised or deprioritised for transplant based on the cause of their need for transplant unless that also affects any of the above four factors. For instance, someone should not be inherently deprioritised for a liver transplant because they were an alcoholic but may be deprioritised if they have shown that they are unable to stop drinking.

Top Tips for Medicine Interview Questions on Organ Transplant Dilemmas

You could get questions about any of the above topics, or organ transplants more generally, in your medical school interviews. Some top tips to consider are:

  1. Show off your understanding of the law and how it may change in the future

  2. Give examples, either hypothetical or from the news/media/etc, to illustrate your points.

  3. Recognise that issues surrounding organ transplant ethics are complex. Always consider all sides of an argument, and approach the discussion with respect. A good test for this is to imagine that someone affected by the issue is in the room with you.

Medicine Interview Questions and Answers on Organ Donation

Q: Should the UK have an opt-in or opt-out organ donation system?

A: This is a very complex issue, with plenty of arguments on both sides. Overall, I support the current opt-out system that exists in the UK.

There is a significant deficit in the supply of organs, and hundreds of people die every year waiting for a transplant. An opt-out system enables us to reach donors who otherwise may never have thought about donating, or were neutral on the topic and never signed up. This can add plenty of years to people’s lives, and save families from a lot of suffering. Even more, people would die while awaiting an organ without this system.

I understand that some may disagree with this if they are concerned about co-opting donors who would not consent to this. However, I think that there are ways of mitigating this. First, family members can opt out on behalf of the deceased. Secondly, we could advertise this system in places like doctors’ offices, schools, and on the census which all citizens are legally required to complete.

Whilst this may not allow us to reach everyone, it means that we should at least be very close. This, in my view, is worth it to help stop the significant organ deficit in the UK from getting worse. Therefore, I support the opt-out system.

Q: Is it right that alcoholic patients are deprioritised for liver transplants?

Ultimately, the prioritisation of patients for organs is a complex series of decisions and there are multiple factors that influence the answer to this question.

We must recognise that alcoholism is a form of addiction - which is a disease, not a choice, and tied to various genetic and socioeconomic factors. Therefore, we should not make these decisions in any way that assigns a moral judgement on people who are addicts.

However, it is also important to ensure that transplanted organs are allocated effectively, to provide the greatest possible benefit. Therefore, if a patient is still drinking and likely to damage the transplanted organ, it is right to allocate the liver to someone else.

Ultimately, recovering alcoholics should not be deprioritised for organ transplants and, to the best of my knowledge, currently are not. However, people who continue to drink should be deprioritised.

Organ Donation Interview Questions for Medical School Admissions

Understanding the ethical and medical implications of organ donation is crucial for future medical professionals. Here are some thought-provoking interview questions about organ transplantation, organ donor choices, and the hot topic of organ trafficking.

Understanding Organ Donation Systems:

  1. Can you explain the difference between opt-out and opt-in organ donation systems?

  2. Why is there a shortage of organs for donation in the UK? Does the opt-out system of organ donation, as practised in Wales, help alleviate this?

  3. Is the opt-out system of organ donation ethical? What are the reasons some people might choose not to be organ donors?

Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding Organ Transplants:

  1. A tragic road accident claims the life of a registered organ donor. What factors should dictate who receives their organs?

  2. A liver is available for transplant. Two candidates emerge: a 52-year-old with alcoholic liver disease and a 22-year-old with a congenital abnormality. How do you decide who should receive the organ?

  3. Can you shed light on the ethical debates surrounding organ donation?

General Organ Donation Queries:

  1. In what ways can the family of a deceased individual influence organ donation choices?

  2. Are you aware of countries where there's a live market for organs, such as certain regions in the Middle East?

  3. What are the reasons some people believe you shouldn't be an organ donor?

Exploring Hot Topic Questions:

  1. How do you approach a discussion with a patient who asks your opinion about becoming an organ donor?

  2. Do countries with opt-out organ donation systems experience fewer deaths while waiting for organs compared to opt-in systems?

  3. Organ trafficking is a grave issue. How do you think this affects the broader landscape of organ donation, and what are your thoughts on its implications?

Diving Deeper with Scenario-based Questions:

  1. You're presented with two individuals in different situations who both require the same organ. How do you decide who should receive it?

  2. How would you handle a situation where a patient believes they've identified their organ donor's killer, referencing scenarios like the girl with the heart transplant?


Overall, organ transplant dilemma questions can provide a valuable opportunity to reflect on the ethical challenges that can arise in medicine and to demonstrate your ability to think critically about these issues.

FAQs on Organ Donation in the UK

1. What is the Organ Donation System in the UK?

In the UK, an opt-out system is operational where individuals are automatically considered as donors unless they choose to opt out. It’s a crucial subject to discuss during medicine interviews due to its complex ethical implications. Learn more about the specifics and organ donation choices prevalent in the UK.

2. What are the Arguments For and Against an Opt-Out System?

The opt-out system, also a hot topic in NHS discussions, has various pros and cons ranging from increasing the availability of organs to potentially going against individual autonomy. Prospective medical students should have a deep understanding of both sides of the argument for their medicine interviews.

3. How Does the UK Organ Transplantation Process Work?

The process involves several critical steps, including the harvesting of organs, determining viability, matching with a recipient, and post-operative care, a topic often discussed in medical school interviews due to its intricate nature and the ethical dilemmas involved.

4. What are the Ethical Concerns Surrounding Organ Sales in the UK?

Legalizing the sale of organs can potentially increase organ availability but poses serious ethical dilemmas including exploiting vulnerable individuals, a topic that is frequently discussed under NHS hot topics due to its significant implications on the organ donation landscape.

5. What is Living Organ Donation and What are its Advantages and Disadvantages?

Living organ donation refers to the process where a living individual donates an organ, generally one that can regenerate. This is a core discussion topic in medical interviews due to its ethical implications and the advantages it offers in terms of planning and potentially better outcomes.

6. What Factors Influence the Allocation of Organs to Recipients in the UK?

Allocation of organs is influenced by numerous factors including clinical necessity, survival chances, and the presence of a support system. It’s a pivotal discussion point in medical interviews due to the ethical dilemmas surrounding the fair allocation of scarce resources.

7. How Can One Prepare for Medicine Interview Questions on Organ Transplant Dilemmas?

Preparing for medical interview questions on organ transplant dilemmas involves understanding the legal framework, considering all sides of an argument, and respecting the complexity of the topic. For more detailed preparation strategies, refer to the MMI Medicine Interview Tips Guide.

8. What Types of Questions Are Asked in Medical School Interviews Regarding Organ Donation?

Interviews often encompass a range of questions exploring your understanding of opt-in and opt-out systems, ethical dilemmas surrounding organ transplants, and the general understanding of organ donation dynamics. Dive deep into potential questions with our Medicine Interview Questions Guide 2023.

9. Can You Provide Examples of Scenario-Based Questions on Organ Donation?

Scenario-based questions often involve critical thinking in real-life situations like choosing a recipient between two candidates with different health backgrounds. For a comprehensive list of scenario-based questions and tips on how to answer them, check our resource on 280 Common Medicine Interview Questions 2023.

10. How Can One Discuss Complex Ethical Questions in Medicine Interviews Respectfully and Thoughtfully?

Discussing complex ethical questions respectfully involves considering all perspectives and avoiding a moral judgment approach. For guidance on navigating such discussions, refer to resources like “Answering Medicine Ethics Questions” and “MMI Medicine Interview Tips Guide”.


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