13 UCAT Verbal Reasoning Tips and Strategies for Success in 2024
Updated: Feb 19, 2024
Introduction to the UCAT Verbal Reasoning Tips
The verbal reasoning section of the UCAT is a timed test that assesses a student's ability to comprehend complex passages and answer questions about them. It consists of a range of question types, from tone and point of view analysis to identifying logical fallacies.
It is an important aspect of the UCAT, and therefore it is essential to prepare properly in order to succeed.

Why is the Verbal Reasoning Section of the UCAT Difficult?
The verbal reasoning section of the UCAT can be a difficult test to tackle for a variety of reasons. To begin with, it tests your ability to comprehend complex passages in a short amount of time, which can be difficult even for those who are skilled readers. Furthermore, the range of question types within the verbal reasoning section is quite broad, making it hard to prepare for.
Additionally, the verbal reasoning section of the UCAT is a timed test, so you must be able to answer each question quickly and accurately in order to perform well on the exam. All of these factors make the verbal reasoning section of the UCAT a difficult and demanding test, requiring careful preparation and a sharp eye in order to succeed.
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How to Prepare for the Verbal Reasoning Section of the UCAT
To prepare for the UKCAT verbal reasoning questions, it is important to become familiar with the types of questions that are typically asked and to practice reading and comprehending complex passages quickly and accurately.
Additionally, developing a strong vocabulary and looking for context clues are important techniques to use when answering questions. It is also important to use the process of elimination and to pay attention to the tone and point of view of the passage in order to answer the questions accurately.
Finally, it is important to take your time and review your answers before submitting them in order to avoid making mistakes.
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13 UCAT Verbal Reasoning Tips for Success
Our UCAT experts and tutors, who scored in the top 10 per cent of the exam, have compiled 13 key verbal reasoning tips and UCAT strategies.
UCAT VR Tip 1 - Familiarise yourself with the UCAT VR Question Types
Before taking the verbal reasoning subsection of the UCAT exam, it is important to become familiar with the types of questions that are typically asked. This will help you understand the format of the exam, as well as what kinds of questions to expect.
Having an understanding of the types of questions will make it easier to prepare for the exam and allow you to focus your efforts on areas that need the most attention in the UCAT exam.
There are two main types of questions in the verbal reasoning subsection:
Type 1 Verbal Reasoning Questions
These have the answers True/False/Can’t Tell
Type 2 Verbal Reasoning Questions
These require more judgement and are often based on the author’s opinion, conclusions, beliefs and thought process.
With the right preparation and practice, you will be able to approach the verbal reasoning section of your UCAT preparation with confidence and be ready to do your best.
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Preparation 2024
UCAT VR Tip 2 - Practice reading and comprehending complex passages quickly and accurately.
The verbal reasoning subsection of the UCAT exam can be daunting, as it often includes long passages that must be read and understood in a limited amount of time. It is important to practice reading and comprehending complex passages before taking the exam, so that you can improve your speed and accuracy. It is also essential to understand the passages thoroughly before attempting to answer the questions.
Taking the time to read the passage carefully and break it down into manageable chunks can help you comprehend the material more quickly and accurately, allowing you to answer the questions with greater confidence.
Additionally, it is important to remember that the verbal reasoning test tests your ability to comprehend complex material, so it is important to focus on understanding the passages rather than just skimming them quickly.
It's also worth being aware of the time limit for the verbal reasoning section of the UCAT exam, as this will influence your approach to the questions (1min 50 per passage - each of which has 4 questions).
UCAT VR Tip 3 - Develop your vocabulary by reading a wide range of materials.
Having a strong vocabulary is essential for understanding and interpreting difficult passages. To expand your vocabulary, it is important to read a wide range of materials, such as books, articles, and scholarly texts. Doing so will not only help you to identify and remember more words but will also assist you in comprehending and responding to questions asked about the passages in exams.
Additionally, by reading with a dictionary in hand, you can look up the definitions of unfamiliar words and add them to your own personal collection of words. This approach can be beneficial when attempting to comprehend and answer questions about passages in the exam. Furthermore, it is also a great way to build your vocabulary in a more effective and efficient manner.
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Scores Guide
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Deciles
UCAT VR Tip 4 - Use context clues to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
When reading a passage, it is essential to use context clues to comprehend the meaning of unfamiliar words. This strategy is essential to help you understand the passage as a whole and the questions associated with it, without needing to look up each word you don't know. It is important to pay close attention to the words and sentences that are close to the unfamiliar word, as this can help you to get a better understanding of the word's meaning.
Additionally, looking at the sentence structure and the words that come before and after the unfamiliar word can help you to gain further insight into the meaning. Finally, looking at the overall context of the passage can also be beneficial in figuring out the meaning of the unfamiliar words.
UCAT VR Tip 5 - Use the process of elimination to narrow down your options.
When confronted with multiple-choice questions, you can use the process of elimination to significantly improve your chances of selecting the right answer. By ruling out the choices that you know to be wrong, you can narrow down your selection and focus on the remaining possibilities. This method of elimination allows you to make an informed decision and can be a useful strategy when you are unsure of the correct answer.
Furthermore, it can be beneficial to read all the answer choices before making a selection, as this can help you to better understand the question. Additionally, you may find that you can use the answer choices to your advantage, as some may provide clues as to the correct answer. All in all, the process of elimination can be a helpful tool when faced with multiple-choice questions.
UCAT VR Tip 6 - Read the question first, then skim the passage for keywords.
Reading the question first when doing verbal reasoning can be a valuable strategy for optimizing the amount of time spent on the task. By reading the question before the passage, you can gain insight into the context and purpose of the passage, allowing you to grasp the main idea and key details.
We recommend using the following technique:
Read the question and think about its meaning.
Skim the passage for key meanings and/or keywords. They may be worded differently in the passage.
Read the sentences on either side to combat conflicting statements.
Look for more mentions and read on either side to combat the scattering of information.
Use the assimilated information to choose your answer.
Furthermore, it can help you anticipate the type of answer the question is looking for so that you can avoid the need to read through the passage again, which can be time-consuming. Taking the time to read the question first can, therefore, be a very effective way to save time when dealing with verbal reasoning questions.
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UCAT VR Tip #7. Trust your instincts and stay focused.
In the UCAT Verbal Reasoning section, it is important to trust your instincts and stay focused throughout the exam. If you have prepared well and practised reading and understanding complex passages, you will likely have developed a good sense of the correct answers.
While it is important to read the questions carefully and use strategies like the process of elimination, don't second-guess yourself too much. Trust your instincts and stay focused on the task at hand, as this can help you maintain your confidence and avoid making careless mistakes.
UCAT VR Tip 8 - Don't waste time on all the answers - use the process of elimination.
When faced with multiple-choice questions in the UCAT Verbal Reasoning section, don't waste time considering all the answer choices in detail. Instead, quickly eliminate the options that are clearly incorrect or irrelevant.
This will help you save time and concentrate on the remaining answer choices that are more likely to be correct. Using the process of elimination allows you to make an informed decision and can be a useful strategy when you are unsure of the correct answer.
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Tutoring Services
UCAT VR Tip 9 - Don't use any external knowledge and avoid making assumptions.
When reading a passage in UCAT Verbal Reasoning, it is essential to rely solely on the information provided in the passage to answer the questions correctly. Do not use any external knowledge, as it can lead to incorrect answers. Stick to the facts presented in the passage and avoid making assumptions or guesses based on your own knowledge.
Remember that the UCAT Verbal Reasoning section tests your ability to understand and interpret the text, so focus on the details within the passage and avoid relying on your own pre-existing knowledge. Using external knowledge can lead you to incorrect answers, as the passage may present a different perspective or contradict your prior knowledge.
UCAT VR Tip 10 - UCAT Verbal Reasoning Keyboard Shortcuts
If you want to save time in the UCAT Verbal Reasoning section, use keyboard shortcuts. By getting used to them from the start, you can save a few seconds, which can make a big difference between a right and wrong answer. Some useful keyboard shortcuts include:
Control N for next
Control F for flag
Control C for the calculator (ensure num lock is on for numbers) - unlikely you will need this for this section
UCAT VR Tip 11 - Don't be afraid to skip a question if you're unsure of the answer.
If you are uncertain of the answer to a question, it is best to skip it and come back to it later if you have the chance. This will help you avoid making any costly mistakes, and also give you more time to concentrate on the questions which you feel more confident.
Taking the time to double-check your answers, even if you are sure of them, can also help to ensure you are giving the best response. This extra time can make all the difference when it comes to getting a good result.
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Practice Questions
UCAT VR Tip 12 - Stay calm and focused during the exam.
Taking the UCAT exam can be a very stressful experience, especially if you're feeling unprepared or anxious. However, it's important that you stay calm and focused in order to do your best. Taking deep breaths and staying positive can help you clear your mind, maintain your concentration and ultimately avoid making any mistakes.
Additionally, it may be beneficial to take some time before the exam to meditate or practice mindfulness techniques, as this can help to reduce your stress and clear your mind. Furthermore, it can be useful to remind yourself that the UCAT Verbal Reasoning exam is just one part of the exam and that you can still boost your score by doing well in the other subsections of the UCAT: Abstract Reasoning, Decision Making, Quantitative Reasoning and the Situational Judgement Test.
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Verbal Reasoning Guide
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Decision-Making Guide
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Quantitative Reasoning Guide
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Abstract Reasoning Guide
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Situational Judgement Test Guide
UCAT VR Tip 13 - Use the flag option
Questions in the verbal reasoning subsection can sometimes be overly difficult or too lengthy, which can cause feelings of frustration or confusion.
To overcome this, it's best to mark these questions with a flag and come back to them later if you have time before the exam ends. An important tip to remember is the golden rule: if you're moving on from a question, always make sure to put an answer down first.
Even if you're not sure of the answer, there's no negative marking in the exam, so it's always worth ensuring you have an answer written down. This simple step could be the difference between success and failure in the exam. It's especially important to remember this when you are feeling frustrated or confused by a difficult or lengthy question.
Additionally, using the process of elimination, paying attention to the tone and point of view of the passage, looking for logical fallacies, reading the questions carefully, taking your time, skipping questions if you're unsure of the answer, staying calm and focused, and reviewing your answers are all important steps to take in order to do your best on the exam.
With proper preparation and focus, it is possible to succeed in the verbal reasoning section of the UCAT.
👉🏼 Read more: UCAT Score Calculator 2024
The verbal reasoning section of the UCAT is a challenging test that requires careful preparation and a sharp eye in order to succeed.
Becoming familiar with the types of questions typically asked, practising reading and comprehending complex passages quickly, developing a strong vocabulary, and looking for context clues are all important techniques to use when preparing for the verbal reasoning section of the UCAT.
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